Fir bump jam

Fir bump jam

Surely many of you not only have not tried, but did not even hear about the jam from fir bumps. Although this sweet dessert is very common in the Caucasus, but mainly as a therapeutic agent. This jam has a powerful health effect due to the presence of phytoncides in it, which are better than any antibiotics kill bacteria.

Fitoncides are volatile active substances that are emitted coniferous plants (remember which unusual smell is in the coniferous forest). Scientists found out that the air in such a forest is ten times cleaner than even in the deciduous forest, not to mention the air in any population.

Pine cones

To enjoy the natural properties of coniferous plants, people and began to boil jam from green fir bumps. By the way, it is possible to cook it from pine cones or from young, not yet blossomed shoots of coniferous plants. Fragrant and delicious jam shown in such diseases:

  • pneumonia, influenza, ors, angina;
  • gum inflammation;
  • avitaminosis.

Collect young cones in the spring, when they have a size of only 1-4 cm, and they can easily pierce with a wooden wand. In the middle lane of Russia, it is possible to do this from the middle and until the end of May.

Pine cones

And now we will tell you in detail how to cook healing jam:

  1. Collected green bumps beat from garbage and rinse in running water.
  2. Fold them in a pelvis for jam or a wide pan.
  3. Fill with cold water so that the water is on the water on one and a half centimeters. When pouring water, be sure to remember its volume.
  4. Put the pelvis with cones and water on fire and bring to a boil.
  5. In a boiling mass, pour sugar-sand at the rate of 1 kg per 1 liter of water (remember, you measured its volume?).
  6. Bring the jam to a boil, constantly stirring so that sugar is completely dissolved.
  7. Remove the foam and reduce the fire to a minimum.
  8. Boil about 1.5-2 hours, while the cones from the green will not turn into red-brown.
  9. Hot jam decompose on clean dry banks and close the parchment.
  10. Keep it in the storage room or kitchen cabinet.

In addition to jam from spruce cones, you can cook syrup, which also perfectly copes with health problems. So, write down the following recipe:

  1. Young cones overbid and wash.
  2. Fold the raw material in a saucepan and fill with cold water - it should be 2 fingers above the cones.
  3. Pan with bumps put on the fire and boil them 20-25 minutes.
  4. Remove the dishes from the fire, close it with the lid and leave the contents to appear during the day.
  5. After 24 hours, strain the infusion through the gauze. At the same time you will not need a bump - throw them away.
  6. For each liter of coniferous infusion, add 1 kg of sugar.
  7. Put a saucepan on fire, and stirring constantly, boil syrup at least one and a half hours.
  8. Stepped with firing syrup bulk to banks or bottles with a wide throat and store at room temperature.


Although jam from the cones, even though you can use syrup only in small portions. Two tablespoons per day for an adult and two tea for a child. Children to give coniferous jam, since the five-year-old age. Since it contains a lot of active substances, it also has contraindications. Jam cannot be used under the following diseases:

  • any kidney disease;
  • hepatitis;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • colitis.

With great care, the jam is necessary to eat pregnant women and very elderly people. Caution for all other people: if you eat a lot of jam or syrup at once, then your head or sick a stomach can be accelerated.

The jams from the cones have an incredibly thin aroma and an unusual resyless taste. No matter how tasty it is, it is not worth harming it, because it is possible to eat it only in preventive or therapeutic purposes. The family of three is enough 1-2 liters of jam a year to enjoy them when it takes.

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