For the treatment of various diseases, the leaves of only medicinal sage are used. It is not worth it to be confused with other species of sage, which are over more than 900 varieties. This plant is a semi-staple, height sometimes reaches 75 centimeters. Flowers of sage - blue-violet color, leaves - gray-green, solid, opposite, cuff, have an oblong shape. It is in them that contains the most useful substances. Let's look at what and how to use Sage leaves.

Properties of Sage

The leaves of this natural drug have a binder, toning, hemostatic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. They contain such components as:

  • alkaloids, phytoncides, flavonoids, resinous, tanning substances;
  • vitamins P, RR, B1, C;
  • essential oils in which terpene compounds are present (Tuion, Salven, Pinen, Borneol, Cineol and others).

Sage It smells like, spicy varieties of plants are used for cooking dishes from a bird, meat. He gives food a unique fragrance, slightly bitter, sharp taste. Also, the leaves are added to salads and alcoholic beverages.

Collection of Sage Leaves

Collect therapeutic grass follows in a period of flowering, which lasts until the end of September. To do this, carefully cut the sage stalk, leaving ten centimeters of the sprout. Choose healthy, beautiful plants, faded stalks do not take. Houses separate the leaves from the trunk. Then put them with a thin layer for trays in a special place for drying. It is not recommended to lay out the leaves of the sage in the sun, drying it gradually, somewhere in the shade.

Application of Sage

In the old days, our ancestors used the leaves of this plant for various purposes. The scope of the panacea is extensive. Only one cannot abuse such grass. With long-term use there may be unwanted reactions. In addition, Sage has a number of contraindications, study them before using bravery and info:

  • allergy;
  • epilepsy;
  • reduced functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • hypotension, kidney disease;
  • breast-feeding;
  • pregnancy.

Medical Application

Salvia leaf beacons are beneficial to the body in pathologies of different etiology. That is why the medicinal sage is used for recovery:

  1. Sage effectively heals the diseases of the gums, the mucous membrane of the mouth, stomatitis, angina. To do this, rinse your mouth with a decoction of leaves. With bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheake is recommended to make inhalation four or six times a day. Interestingly, after such medical procedures, improving the condition of the face of the face was noticed - the pores of the skin was cleared.
  2. With the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, namely gastritis, colitis, ulcers with reduced acidity, patients advise to drink the infusion of Salvia's leaves 30 minutes before meat.
  3. In dermatology, cosmetology, the decoction of therapeutic grass is used as a mission. With the help of such robes, the condition of patients with psoriasis, neurodermitomit, eczema, also treated wounds, burns, ulcers.
  4. If we rinse the hair with therapeutic tea from the leaves of sage, you can improve the condition of the scalp, strengthen the hair onions. After regular procedures, you will notice that the hair has become much more magnificent and began to grow rapidly.
  5. In the gynecology, the infusion of the leaf of therapeutic sage is used when infertility as complex therapy. With vulviti, the decoction of the leaves of this plant is perfectly helped. During the climax from increased sweating, nervousness use tea from drug.

Use sage in cooking

Grinding spicy sage leaves, as mentioned above, added as seasonings to meat dishes. On the piquancy of taste, he resembles thyme and rosemary. In France, it is customary to prepare vegetable soups and white meat with the addition of a small amount of sage. In Germany, sausages make saukes with sage. In the Caucasus, this spice is being plucked in lamb.

Recipes of tinctures from sage

Consider the recipes of decoctions that can be prepared from the Sage leaf.

Decoction of sage leaves

For therapeutic drink, take one big spoonful of crushed leaves, pour the water cup, 20 minutes hold on a boiling water bath, then let 40 minutes stand and can be used.

Sage tea

Add one big spoon of plants to boiling water. Remove from the furnace, and let it stand somewhere around, then you can drink.

Alcohol tincture

Three large spoons pumped into the half-liter bottle of vodka of the 40 percent fortress. After that, put it in a warm place to appease for one month.

With the proper use of Sage leaf, you can improve your health, improve my health. But know that it is impossible to apply it more than three calendar months.

Comments leave a comment
Mary 06/16/2018 at 13:19

Sage tea is just a miracle tool. He herself took it precisely to combat the symptoms of Klimaks along with the cycle. I can say that such a tandem, if it can be called that, really very cool helps, now the symptoms are practically not manifested. So very advise)

Head 27/05/2019 at 7:28.

The range of use is great, but I have experience in the period of menopause, tides when terribly tormented Salfa's decoction and on the advice began to cut the ice formula for menopause, thus got rid of the tides and no longer suffer no symptoms, pah pah pah)


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