A couple of decades ago, there was absolutely everything about the mountain mummy, many rumors and legends went around him. It was alleged that this natural resin is a panacea almost from all diseases. People actively began to search where you can buy a black plastic mass and paid huge money for it. And not in vain - mumina really turned out to be a miraculous balm that helps with most diseases. Then interest in this natural medicine somehow go, but quite in vain. Mumina and in our time does not lose its relevance, especially scientists have proven that it does not only treat, but also supports the beauty of man.
The uniqueness of the natural plastic mass called "Mumia" is that it acts at the cellular level. This means that the organism increases nucleic exchange, which leads to regeneration (restoration) of cells. And so in humans, absolutely all organs consist of various cells, then the mummy can update the mucous membranes, bones, skin, hair.
With the help of mumia, absolutely all inflammatory diseases can be treated: colitis and gastritis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcers, paradontosis and stomatitis, acne and furuncusel, hemorrhoids, eryosia of the cervix, burn wounds. In addition, the mummy helps improve vision, increase hemoglobin, get rid of neurites and plexitis. Doctors especially note the usefulness of the drug in the restorative period after any operations or bone fractures. Due to its active action on cells that are faster regenerated, and the time for the general restoration of a sick person is reduced by almost twice.
Outwardly, the mum is used in the form of solutions, ointments, candles, cosmetic masks:
skin diseases - 10-30% aqueous solution or pharmacy ointment with mummy;
hemorrhoids and cracks of the rear pass - candles based on mummy;
paradontosis and stomatitis - rinse with 20% aqueous solution or applying dry substance to the gum in an amount of 2-3 grams;
angina - a rinse of the throat with a 10% solution;
erosion of the cervix - drew 20% solution.
Reception of aqueous solution Mumia is recommended when recovering after operations and fractures. Then it needs to drink once a day: in the morning an empty stomach or three hours after dinner. Doctors recommend such a dose: 2 grams of mumens, respectively, 70 kg of human weight. The required amount is divorced in 100-150 ml of warm boiled water.
With the help of mummy women can rejuvenate the body and strengthen the hair. For a miraculous bath, take 5 grams of mummy and dissolve it in 0.5 liters of water. Pour the solution in warm water and take a bath for at least 30 minutes. The course of rejuvenation lasts 10 days - it can be repeated in 2-3 months.
Mask to strengthen hair: 5 grams of mumina, 50 grams of honey, 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apply a mask before washing your head for 15-20 minutes.
Whatever the mummy is universally in terms of treatment and recovery, it also has contraindications:
pregnancy and lactation;
increased blood pressure;
malignant and benign tumors;
internal bleeding.
Mumiya today does not sell except lazy, so there is a big risk of buying fake. Purchase mummies only in pharmacies where all drugs have certificates. Or in proven people who can bring mountain resin from the terrain where it is mined.
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I drink Evalarov Golden Altai Purified Mumina. I trust only his quality. And by the way, the results are satisfied, it began to hurt much less often and the bones are stronger .... He earned the fractures very often earned themselves. Now there is no such thing. Despite the fact that he has fallen twice on ice. Perhaps this is the best proof of efficiency.
I drink Evalarov Golden Altai Purified Mumina. I trust only his quality. And by the way, the results are satisfied, it began to hurt much less often and the bones are stronger .... He earned the fractures very often earned themselves. Now there is no such thing. Despite the fact that he has fallen twice on ice. Perhaps this is the best proof of efficiency.