Mummy from cellulite

Mummy from cellulite

Cellulite - Common disease among fair sex representatives. Passive lifestyle and improper nutrition contribute to the formation of "orange peel".Women subjected their body with various hardware procedures, massages, experiment with anti-cellulite cosmetic preparations for combating non-psychic manifestation of cellulite. But there exists a time-tested and generations natural remedy for "orange peel" - mountain resin mummy. How this natural healer affects the skin than it is useful and how to use it - you will learn from our article.

 The substance in the mountain cracks of Central Asia is produced. Until now, biologically scientists cannot determine the true composition of the mummy. It is known that it is formed from the remains of plants, small animals and their livelihoods. Various microelements, minerals, amino acids, vitamins, essential oils and resins in its composition were found. It is due to such components, the mummy is known for its healing properties. The use of resin accelerates circulation, regenerative and metabolic processes, feeds the skin with the useful substances, making it elastic, tightened, healthy. Mumia has an antiseptic and well-fastener effect. Therapeutic properties of the mineral use the healers of India and Asia. It is believed that natural mummy in the form of a black resin carries more healing properties than production creams and pills with the addition of matter. But even such a tool will not be able to eliminate the cellulite problem quickly - it will take at least three weeks of regular procedures With a mountain resin that the result becomes noticeable in the mirror. In addition, there are contraindications:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • high blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia.

In cosmetic stores you can see a wide variety of funds with the addition of mummy. But in them the concentration of the useful substance is so small that the effect will not be noticeable even after long-term use. It does not represent difficulties to make households with mummy. In addition, such cosmetics will cost much cheaper purchased in the store. The average price of the drug is 100-200 p. The only obstacle can be the fact that the natural product is becoming increasingly harder to find in urban pharmacies. If you did not find natural mumie, Use tableted drugs of substances. In the manufacture of households from cellulite, it is necessary to consider only the fact that in such a packaging the concentration of the mummy is already reduced. For example, to make anti-cellulite Cream with mummy, you will need a tube of children's or any other body cream and 2 g of mummy or 3 tablets containing the substance. Mix all the components before the formation of a homogeneous mass. For amplification anti-cellulite Effects can be added a few drops aromatic oil Orange. Apply cream to problem areas daily before bedtime. Keep such a remedy in the refrigerator.

 An effective means of fighting the "orange crust" is a scrub with mummy. To make it, you need a coffee thick, 2 spoons of sour cream and 3 tablets (2 g) mummy. Stir the coffee grip with sour cream. Mummy dissolve in a small amount of warm water and interfere in coffee-sourled mass. With a wooden massager or mittens for pylling Lock the home scrub in problem areas before leaning the skin. Rock warm water. Conduct such a procedure three times a week.

 Wrapping with mummy improve circulation, remove the stagnant fluid, purify the skin, increase its tourgorm, reduce the fat layer due to the formation of the greenhouse effect. Conduct the procedure twice a week. We offer the following recipe with mummy for wrapping:

  1. Dissolve 5 mumi tablets in warm water.
  2. Interfere with 50 g of honey and a teaspoon of orange oil In 100 g of body cream.
  3. Add dissolved mummy. All components thoroughly mix.
  4. Apply a mixture to problem areas of the body.
  5. Wrap with a polyethylene braid and a terry towel.
  6. After 20 minutes, rinse with water. Increase the efficiency of the procedure is a contrasting soul.

 Help in combating cellulite and baths with mummy. For this 10 g resin solvent In a liter of warm water. Pour dissolved mummy in a warm bath filled with warm water. To achieve an effective result, it is recommended to conduct a procedure after taking the shower and in the morning time. You can enjoy the reception of the bath can be up to 20 minutes daily.

Mumina is not a miraculous means of combating cellulite. To achieve a noticeable long-term result, useful procedures with a mountain resin must be combined with proper nutrition, sports, responsible attitude towards health and positive attitude. Only then your volumes will noticeably decrease, and the skin will become elastic and smooth!

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