Cellulite orange oil

Cellulite orange oil

Essential oils of grapefruit, mandarin and other citrus fruits have long been known as means to help get rid of hateful cellulite. Among the sets of oils the most effective is orange. It has a strong anti-cellulite effect and a complex of beneficial properties for recovery and weight loss.

The most important useful property of orange oil to combat cellulite is its ability to stimulate the metabolism, there is an accelerated splitting of fats, eliminating the toxins and decay products from the body. The orange essential oil accelerates blood circulation in deep layers of the skin, normalizes the state of the capillary network, restores the horny layer of the epidermis, which gives the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. And the orange increases the production of endorphins, contributes to a good mood, supports vitality and general activity.

Orange oil is used as part of baths, hot wraps, as well as a massage anti-cellulite agent. For massage you will have enough just a few drops, apply oil into your arms and rub the problem areas for about 15 minutes. To enhance the effect of the oil effect, use special massagers, mittens or brushes. Easy tingling of problem areas during massage says that orange oil components are acting correctly.

Baths with essential oils are pleasantly and effectively fighting cellulite tubercles. Type water in the bath and mix the foam or bath gel with 10 drops of orange oil. You can additionally put a little sea salt or coffee. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes, during this time your body will sprinkle and softened, and in the places of extra fat you will feel easy burning. During the intake of the bath with essential oils, an active splitting of fats under the skin occurs, the pores open, slags and excess liquid are outlined. In addition, the bath perfectly removes stress, relaxes. Recommend to alternate anti-cellulite baths with massages and wraps.

Common anti-cellulite procedure - wraps with citrus oils. The easiest option: we applix oil to the cellulite zones, heated with massage movements and wech the food film. You can enhance the use of orange oil using honey. To cook wrapping, mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 5 drops of oil, apply to problem areas, massage carefully. To enhance the effect, turn not only in the film, but also in a warm plaid, you can wear warm clothes and perform physical exercises. During wraps, there is an active interaction between the components of the essential oil with deep layers of the skin, it becomes more elastic, smooth and tightened.

Contraindications for the use of orange oil - the presence of allergic reactions and individual intolerance. Remember that it enhances the "sticking" of the tan and the effect of the Sun on the skin. In very hot water, essential oils lose their properties, water for the anti-cellulite bath must be no higher than 40 degrees. In addition, all the essential oils of citrus fruits are potent means, be sure to divide them in another oil, water, kefir and do not put more than 5-10 drops.

Orange essential oil with regular use will give a significant anti-cellulite effect. After a week later, you would notice that the skin became elastic, the contours of the body were pulled up, the tubercles were disappeared on the skin. With comprehensive effect, in combination with physical activity, the proper nutrition of orange oil will quickly win cellulite.

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