Anti-cellulite baths how to take

Anti-cellulite baths how to take

Anti-cellulite baths are an excellent assistant in a duel with an "orange crust." They help to speed up the metabolism of the problem zone, bring slags and purify the skin. In addition, this pleasant procedure contributes to relaxation and removal of emotional stress. But it is stress, according to the results of numerous studies, is the cause of many diseases, including cellulite. However, to obtain a significant effect, anti-cellulite baths are needed correctly.


Before adopting an anti-cellulite bath, make sure you have no allergies to its components. Did you have doubts? Take the test by applying a small amount of the product on the wrist. Everything is in order - boldly proceed to water procedures. To warm up the skin before taking the bath, make massage brush. Also twice a week, add this procedure to peeling skin using anti-cellulite scrub. Then be sure to take a warm shower. It is good to walk with a washcloth throughout the body, in order to clean the skin from burned particles and allow the cells to further absorb useful substances from the bath.

Adopting anti-cellulite bath

Fundamental rules:

  1. Water temperature - 37-37.8 ° C.
  2. The time staying in the bath is 15-25 minutes.
  3. Water should not reach the level of the heart.
  4. Two hours before water procedures, as well as one and a half hours, it is impossible to eat.
  5. Taking baths need a course - 10-15 procedures every other day.

During swimming, there may be a feeling of light tingling, as well as a tide of heat - this is a normal phenomenon. However, if you felt the burning or shortness of breath, the heartbeat was frequent, you need to immediately get out of the bath and take a shower.

After bath

After the bath, the buttocks and thighs are hot and put on a warm bathrobe. Welcome green tea or make the infusion of herbs and drink, slowly. After 20-30 minutes, when the body completely cools, rinse to wash off the remains of the bath components. Then apply anti-cellulite cream on the skin.


Anti-cellulite baths can not be taken:

  • in the presence of various skin diseases and deep cuts;
  • pregnant women;
  • recently born women;
  • people with cardiovascular diseases;
  • in the presence of kidney disease.

Bath recipes

We bring to your attention the most popular recipes for anti-cellulite baths:

  1. Take 10 drops of essential oil, stir in a small quantity of kefir or cream and add to water. For anti-cellulite baths, use orange oils, grapefruit, bergamot, mandarin, lemon, neroli, rosemary, juniper, pines. You can combine different oils into one reception or alternate them.
  2. Dissolve 0.8-1 kg of sea salt in the bath. For better effect, add essential oils.
  3. In the fight against the "orange crust" herbal baths perfectly help. You can use chalf rags, linden, chamomile, rosemary, oak bark, Aira, peppermint, melt, melt, juniper, as well as flax and thyme seeds. To prepare such a bath, take 100 g of dried grass, add 1 liters of boiling water and leave it. Strain and pour into the water.
  4. The famous Cleopatra bath perfectly copes with cellulite and gives the skin of elasticity. Dissolve in 1.5 l of heated milk a glass of honey, then add 5 tbsp. l. Almond oil. Pour the solution into the bath.
  5. Cut 2-3 lemon with thin slices, pour boiling water - 500 ml. Let's brew 25-40 minutes. Then pour together with the slices of lemon in the bath.
  6. Grind 3 middle oranges, add 0.5 cup of sea salt to them and 3 tbsp. l. Oils olives. Put the mixture in gauze or a small cut of the tissue and make sure. Put the resulting knot in the bath.
  7. Recently, turpentine baths have begun to combat cellulite. How to cook them correctly and take - read here.

Baths are an efficient and pleasant means of combating cellulite. However, remember to send an "orange crust" into the knockout for a long time, you need to approach the solution of the problem comprehensively.

Comments leave a comment
Vika 05/16/2019 at 23:57

Squeezing with cellulite helps chopding baths. I buy Skipar emulsion. Such baths are useful not only for weight loss, but also for health in general


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