What to add to the bath

What to add to the bath

The tradition of taking a bath has many centuries: at some time it was just a hygienic procedure, but in most cases - a whole rite. Our ancestors knew all the secrets of this action and transferred their knowledge from generation to the generation so that we could now be in a bathroom not only with pleasure, but also with benefit.


Any bath, regardless of whether you add something else to it or not, has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. It has a relaxing effect on the musculoskeletal system, removes the tension in the muscles, creating the effect of weightlessness, improves blood circulation. Also reveal and pores are cleaned, which allows the skin to absorb the maximum amount of useful substances.

Before filing a bath with various additives, the basic rules should be known:

  1. To reveal the pores and get the maximum benefit for the body, the bath should be taken clean, i.e. after shower.
  2. It is preferably not more than 30 minutes in the water, but not less than 15, so that the useful substances penetrate through the skin, and the head has time to relax and slow down the continuous course of thoughts.
  3. Water should not be very hot, preferably not above 38 degrees to avoid unnecessary heart load.
  4. You should not arrange similar water procedures immediately after eating, it is better to wait an hour and a half.
  5. It is believed that the bath fills not only the body, but also the soul, so take it with pleasure.

Baths with sea salt

Sea salt has a wide range of impact on the body, which makes it one of the frequently used supplements for the baths. Micro and macroelements included in the composition are tone and make more elastic skin, strengthen the nails, reduce the level of sweating, and also have an easy antiseptic effect.

Baths with essential oils

To enhance the positive effect of bathing, you can add essential oils to it. Add them only 4-5 drops per procedure, because They have a high concentration of active substances, so the main thing as in everything, not overdo it. Choosing a particular bath oil, you should clearly understand what you want to achieve: relax, relieve tension and fatigue, calm down, get rid of headaches or pain in the muscles, cheered up, restore forces, improve sleep, gain energy and strength.

Baths with shepherd grasses

Your body will thank you by the bath with the infusion of herbs and will answer good well-being and appearance. Herbs are selected by the same principle as essential oils - depending on the effect you want to get. Make the decoction is very simple, for this we take 1-1.5 glasses of dry herbs, pour 2 liters of boiling water and put on a slow fire in a water bath. Boil for 20-30 minutes, give it a few hours, - and the healing decoction is ready.

Bath Cleopatra

About the beauty procedures of the Great Governor go legends, about its famous anti-aging bath in particular. It is known that Cleopatra loved milk-honey baths, but taking a bath completely from milk would be almost royal pleasure for money. Transforming under modernity, the next recipe turned out. Take 1-2 liters of milk, several tablespoons of honey and as much olive or almond oil. In milk dissolve honey and oil and pour the resulting mixture into the bath. After such a procedure, the skin will be unusually soft and silky to the touch, with the moisturized and trap-useful properties, like the ancient queen. It is believed that before taking a similar bath, Cleopatra was rubbed with a scrub of sea salt and cream.

Baths with soda

Soda in everyday life is known for its cleansing properties. Taking the same soda baths, you can get rid of several extra kilograms, and the skin will become more touched and smooth, minor disadvantages and redness will disappear.

Foam, candles, music

There are no such a therapeutic effect like oils and herbal decoctions, they do not help, but help create a unique atmosphere, relax and disconnect from everyday worries, which is equally important with the modern rhythm of life. Foam softens water, gives a pleasant aroma, the candles add a romantic note, and slow music acts as a final touch in achieving harmony and relaxation.

This pleasant hygienic procedure can bring not only purity, but also considerable benefit. With it, you can relax, cheer up, get rid of muscle and headaches, improve the condition of the skin and nails, clean the soul and body, - the main thing is to know small tricks.

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