Salt Massage: Features

Salt Massage: Features

Many people know about the positive effect of salt in cosmetic products, but it can be applied separately, for example, in various medical and prophylactic rubbing. Salt massage perfectly copes with cellulite, cleans and rejuvenates the skin.

Than useful salt

In addition to the obvious benefit - the removal of the upper burdown layer of the epidermis, the salt helps well when healing the wounds and the treatment of other problems of covers (acne, redness, ulcers). Massage using salt tones due to improved blood circulation, removes swelling, reduces stretching, pain in muscles after overwork. It is believed that the sea salt is the best option for any cosmetic procedures, since it is saturated with a huge number of useful trace elements. Its makeup is different and can relax, toning and even feed the skin. Salt can be mixed with essential oils or other additives, such as pink petals. To obtain a high-quality pink mixture, 200 grams of salt are carefully mistaken about five large roses buds grown without the use of artificial fertilizers.

How to massage with salt

For rubbing, fine-grained salt is suitable, so that large crystals do not damage the gentle skin. On the other hand, much depends on the type of salt and who is carried out with the procedure. If the cover is enough "thick", and under it is a dense layer of fat, you can take "rolled" salt crystals, up to a few millimeters and more. You can perform the procedure yourself both bare palms and soft massage gloves or a sponge and a brush of suitable stiffness. At first, the skin needs to warmly warm up with light movements, then apply the mixture and after completion, take a warm or contrast shower.

How to cook a massage mixture

For convenience and greater effect, sea salt is mixed with essential oils. For this, a few drops of oil with the necessary effect are mixed with the "base" - almond, olive or palm. Only a few drops of rosemary, patchuli, citrus sitters per portion of salt will help from excess weight. Instead of oils, you can use fruit juice and flesh, for example, from grapefruit, in relation to 5 to 1. Very well coped with cellulite honey and salt, connected in equal amounts. After the massage, it is recommended to apply to the body in the place of manipulation of the towel moistened with hot water for 5 minutes. In conclusion, the skin is kneading with a fir essherence.

We take a salt bath

Massage is easy to replace or supplemented with pleasant saline baths that have a similar effect, but already on the whole body. For the healing bath, it is necessary to a kilogram of salt, for a relaxing - about 500 grams. If the skin is characterized by sensitivity, it is better to reduce the dose to 350 g. Highed (about +37 degrees) a bath with a solid dissolved in it takes to half an hour. Sometimes grasses are added to the water. If the procedure is carried out for weight loss, after half an hour to lie down in a warm bed, wrapped in a blanket. It is further desirable to apply cream, milk or other nutrient product on the skin.

The effect of massage will appear already at 3 sessions, however, it is better to spend up to 10 procedures for a strong result. You can repeat the cycle already 10 days later.

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