Modeling body massage

Modeling body massage

Modeling massage or manual correction technique is a fairly effective means to eliminate the flaws of the figure. With this procedure, the body becomes touched, frame muscles are strengthened, the exchange processes of the body are activated.

The visible effect is observed immediately after the first session. The blood circulation is improved, the muscle tone increases, cellulite disappears, the metabolic processes of the body are activated. Just a few sessions of the simulator massage help to get rid of obvious defects without resorting to the help of plastic surgeons.

Indications for the modeling massage:

  • fullness;
  • edema;
  • stress;
  • stretch marks;
  • cellulite;
  • skin declaration.

How is the massage session? The procedure, the duration of the hour and a half, is most often carried out locally. The effects of a specialist are exposed to buttocks, belly, a zone of halifa, hidden, waist. The massage therapist alternately compresses, rubs and strokes the problem areas. As a result, blood flow is stimulated, which affects the body's lymphatic system. This leads to the fact that the toxic substances are derived, the body is getting rid of the extra liquid, the ethnicity falls. The first sessions can be quite painful.

Correction is also carried out by cooling. For this use nitrogen or menthol. Using low temperatures, stimulate the body to spend calories in order to warm up. After the session, the elasticity of the skin increases, congestive fat deposits disappear, accusable areas are returned to the previous form.

Due to the inactivity of the muscles, the neckline and the neck is very early losing their elasticity. Modeling massage stimulates the development of collagen and elastin, has a drain effect on the system of lymphatic vessels. Thanks to this, the procedures performed on the face, neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline are very effective. During the session, the specialist uses a deep massage in combination with relaxing. After the massage, wrinkles are smoothed, the face becomes clear, the effect of lifting is noticeable. Face massage is transferred easily and practically does not have contraindications.

The massage therapist defines the number of necessary sessions, depending on the state of the body and problem areas. As a rule, it is 6-12 procedures.

Ideal time for massage - Morning. Before the session you need to have breakfast. Breakfast should be light. The optimal time is an hour and a half to the session. Before the procedure, it is advisable to make skin peeling.

To secure and speed up the result after a session, special wraps and masks will be very effective, aimed at eliminating cellulite and stretch marks. To improve the quality of the procedure, it is advisable to use auxiliary tools - anti-cellulite creams, massage oils and gels.

There are general contraindications to the modeling massage:

  • bleeding, including menstrual;
  • neoplasms - malignant and benign;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the venous and lymphatic system;
  • rheumatism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • impairment of the integrity of the skin;
  • individual contraindications that you need to ask your attending physician.


It is important that the massage makes a specialist. A properly built program and the optimal number of sessions, carried out individually, will help create a sharp, taut body and will save the figure from visible shortcomings, the excess water will leave the body, the weight will decrease, the skin condition will improve.

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