Spanish face massage

Spanish face massage

Spanish face massage has become popular in domestic beauty salons recently. This procedure is the author's methodology, which combined the basics of manual therapy and kinesiology.

In the course of manipulation, the specialist affects the biological points on the face, which are capable of making a clearer and reduce the manifestation of wrinkles. After several sessions, an excess moisture is derived, which makes a person for several years younger. During the session, a pleasant music sounds, which allows you to fully relax and tune in to the positive way.

Spanish face massage

What is the secret of Spanish massage? Even at rest, the Mimic muscles are in a tense state. This is due to the usual expression of the face. Only a small number of women manage to completely relax the Mimic muscles. This leads to an alignment of wrinkles under the eyes and near the lips. A beautician, affecting certain points, "turns off" the muscles and for a while blocks their work. As a result, the effect is achieved similar to Botox. But this procedure has no contraindications.

Spanish face massage

During the session, the doctor affects the deepest layers of the muscles, which increases their elasticity and elasticity. In the process of massage, there is a bivascular impact on the skin, which leads to an improvement in the facial oval and reduces the manifestation of aging. Due to the special movements, blood flow in capillaries is improved, and the cells are saturated with oxygen. As a result, free radicals are derived from the dermis, which are the cause of aging.

Spanish face massage

Before the procedure, the skin is cleaned from makeup and tone base. After that, massage oil or cream is applied to the face. The base is selected depending on the type of skin of the patient. After applying the cream, the cosmetologist with the tips of the fingers and the back side of the palm of the palm movement. Most of all attention is paid to the plots that have lost the tone. The duration of the session is 20-30 minutes.

Spanish face massage

For dry skin, a specialist chooses a mixture of essential oils, which replenishes the moisture deficit and hold water inside the cells. With a fatty leather massage, the beautician uses light water-based cream. Sometimes substances that reduce skin fat are used. The person does not shine after that, and the pores are narrowed.

Thanks to the massage, you can simulate the face and remove the bags under the eyes. The manifestations of the vascular grid are significantly reduced. With the help of a Spanish massage, you can make practically imperceptible pigment heels and scars after acne. Spanish massage is a symbiosis of the Eastern and European School and combined the best techniques that allow you to improve the condition of the face and make it younger. To date, this is one of the most effective non-operative rejuvenation techniques.

Similar manipulations are recommended for women after 30 years, it is at that age on the face the first notable wrinkles appear on the face. It is enough to 1-2 times a week so that the face seems for several years younger. Do not forget about proper nutrition and full-fledged holiday. After all, no massage can eliminate the manifestations of chronic fatigue and lack of sleep.

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