How to lose weight in the face

How to lose weight in the face

Remove chubby cheeks or a little fix a rounded face dreams pretty many women. And to solve this task it is necessary to approach comprehensively. Quick techniques can easily harm and chubby cheeks can add circles under the eyes and unhealthy complexion.

A number of rules will help achieve the desired effect:

  • shoulders and back should always be kept straight;
  • the pillow must be low, and better orthopedic;
  • systematically perform exercise;
  • comply with the correct power mode;
  • use cosmetics;
  • massage.

How to lose weight in the face - power mode

Prior to achieving the desired result, you must stick to the diet. It can be almost any minimum, you just need to simply exclude from your diet quickly absorbed carbohydrates and comply with simple rules:

  • 1 month Do not use salt.
  • There are 5 times a day after 2.5-3 hours.
  • One serving no more than 200 grams.
  • The amount of water per day is at least 2 liters.
  • Before taking food to drink 1 cup of water or eat one apple.
  • Preference to give fiber and vegetables

Tip: Do not refuse goodies. They should find a worthy replacement, for example: cream on low-fat sour cream, any chocolate on bitter, etc.

How to lose weight in the face - the day of the day

For a better and speedy effect, adjustments need not only power, but also lifestyle. It is necessary to comply with a number of recommendations:

  • eliminate bad habits;
  • find time at home charging;
  • sleep 8-10 hours.

How to lose weight in the face - massage and gymnastics

There is a very simple massage technique - you need to pat yourself on the chin and cheeks with the help of an ordinary towel. Thereby improving blood circulation. It turns out a very easy face massage. A towel must be moistened in a grass brave or sea salt.


For deep studies, cosmetologists offer special muscle gymnastics. It helps maintain the tone of the cheek, serves as the prevention of the second chin and helps to avoid the appearance of mimic wrinkles.

  • take a pencil or pen in your teeth and write a long word or letters in the air;
  • crighten your hands and take yourself by the shoulders. After rhythmically pull the neck up and omit to its original position;
  • take a queue of the letters X and O. performed in 3 approaches of 40 repetitions;
  • pull the lips with a tube and how to clearly utter vowels;
  • open your mouth wide and delay in this position for 3-4 accounts, then close and relax as much as possible. Perform 3 approaches a day 10 times;
  • consistently change facial expressions. First, to inflate cheeks as much as possible and fix for 2-3 accounts, then release the air through the lips with a tube and reproduce a Hollywood smile, not blurring lips;
  • tighten your cheeks and pull the lips with a tube. Hold the face in this position for 3-5 seconds, then you can open your cheeks. Perform 2 approaches 10 times.

How to look at visually in the face

Folk methods act not quickly, and I want to see a loose face now? This will help choose the right hairstyle, makeup and accessories. Several tips:

  • hairstyles should be volumetric on top;
  • hair tightly lay down to the cheeks;
  • you can use "torn" strands for face design;
  • for the tone of the face, it is necessary to use at least two shades of powder or a tone, causing a dark shade along the jaw and under the chin.

It is important to remember that seeking to be perfect forms, you should not neglect your health and any weight loss is worth considering very seriously and deliberately.

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Julia 10/05/2020 at 9:59.

How much I remember, always walked with chubby cheeks. With a set of extra weight, the problem has become even more obvious (+ the morning swelling was played). In the process of weight loss, I focus on facefitness and turboslim day-night. Now the figure is in order, and the face acquired an oval form.

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