How to drink water to lose weight

How to drink water to lose weight

Surely you heard that if you drink ordinary water, you can get rid of extra kilograms. I can not believe that this is true. We offer to stay on all matters and find out how to drink water proper to lose weight.

How much water need to drink to lose weight

It turns out that there is no such a figure that will be suitable for each person. We are all different, we are all unique, which means that the daily rate of water for each own. According to nutritionists, on the day an adult man weighing 60 kg we need to drink 2 liters of water. That is, it turns out that for every 30 kg - 1 liters.

How to find out how much you need to drink a person whose weight is about to get closer to 100 kg or has already exceeded this figure? If you use a simple formula, it turns out that a day you need to make yourself drink more than 3 liters of water. It is a lot and naturally that the opinion of nutritionists can be refuted. It is believed that it is necessary to take into account not only its weight when calculating the amount of water, but also the number of calories used today. For example, if the daily diet is designed for 1200 kcalion, then the minimum you need to drink 1.5 liters of water, and a maximum of 2.5 liters of water. And you need to drink exclusively water, not juices, tea, etc.

Why a person in the day drink so much water

Tell me how to use:

  • water launches all metabolic processes in the body, which means fastened fats faster and toxins are derived;
  • each cell, saturated with moisture, is responsible for youth and beauty, and will also help dissolve fats;
  • water, like a tip, drives out all unnecessary from the body.

What water you need and drink to lose weight

It is quite natural that you need to drink high-quality purified water. Ideal - well or spring. You can also drink water from under the filter, just no need to forget that if you filter the water yourself, then the replaceable cartridge must be changed on time.

If you trust purified water suppliers, ask the quality certificate, for confidence that you are delivered by a really high-quality product.

If a day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water, then it should be water. Coffee, tea, juices, fermented dairy products - are not taken into account.

How to drink water correctly to lose weight

Not every person knows that the water is needed to drink with the mind, correctly distributing the burden on the kidneys.

How to do it:

  • Immediately after awakening, drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach. This is an excellent prevention of constipation and if you can't give up the morning cup of coffee, then the body will be prepared for the load.
  • If you really want to eat something, try to deceive yourself and just drink a glass of water. Drink slowly, small sips.
  • Before you start breakfast, dinner or dinner, you need to drink in 20-30 minutes a glass of water.
  • If you are engaged in sports, then it is necessary to maintain a water balance. When performing physical exertion, all metabolic processes are accelerated, fluid reserves are lost.
  • Distribute your daily water norm wisely. For example, divide 1.5 liters of water by 6-7 glasses of water. Drink on the glass every 2-3 hours. Drink at night before bed it is undesirable to avoid swelling and frequent lifts at night to the toilet. The last glass of water is desirable to drink at 6 o'clock in the evening.

Frequent errors or how to learn how to drink water correctly

It seems you can drink a lot of water, laid into your norm, and weight stands still. Why? Frequent errors:

  • before taking food, the water drink is undesirable, because food can badly digest due to the fact that the gastric juice is mixed with water, and part of the useful enzymes is washed off;
  • if you drink water while eating, that is, drinking food, then such a habit leads to fat deposition;
  • you don't need to drink a lot before bedtime, as metabolic processes are launched, you will often get up to the toilet. Evenings are not excluded;
  • if there is not enough liquid in the body, then a person can feel weakness, dizziness;
  • in order not to harm your body, it is desirable to consult with specialists. Especially if there are problems with the work of cardiovascular and urogenital systems;
  • as it was already said earlier, drinking water to small portions and should not force themselves to drink 2 liters of water in the first days. You need to start with 0.5-1 l, smoothly increasing the normal. Thus, the kidneys and the bladder will gradually get used to the loads.

Comments leave a comment
Natasha 04/10/2018 at 15:23

It's easy to lose weight to lose weight)) I used to lose weight expert Energy ... well, or L-carnitine before teres. Then the load was made easily and a lot of calories were burned ... so managed to lose weight)) I doubt that a similar result would turn out with a simple water)

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Tina 10/05/2020 at 10:39

That's right, the water balance is one of the components of effective weight loss. Many people forget about this factor and complain that weight goes slowly. With inappropriate, drinking the norm is difficult, as written in the article, it is necessary to gradually increase water consumption. In addition to the observance of the water regime, I take a day-night turboslim, helps faster and easier to lose weight.

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