How to eat right to lose weight

How to eat right to lose weight

The downloaded schedule of the day of the modern person does not leave space for meals. Permanent snacks with semi-finished products replaced humanity full breakfasts, lunches and dinners. The eternal question "What to eat to lose weight" affects an increasing population.

Dieting for weight loss is like a postcard at a cold: it seems that the improvement appears, but a side effect may come. The tougher diet, the faster the weight goes, the faster it will return with the guaranteed additive. Nutritionists advise adhere to 5 principles of proper nutrition.

The main principle is moderation. Eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. Try to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. Experts argue that sometimes a person, feeling thirst, incorrectly interprets the signal of the body and "hires" it. Try first to drink a glass of clean, non-carbonated water and only after 10 minutes, if the desire has not disappeared, we have a small portion of food.

Maximum exception or replacement of bold animal products. For example, fatty varieties of fish (herring, mackerel, halibut) can be replaced with those in which less than 8% fat (cod, silver, bream, pike). The same applies to greasy varieties of meat, sour cream, butter, etc.

Remove products containing rapid carbohydrates from the diet. This is sugar, sugar-based sweets and confectionery pastries. Such beloved marshmallows, cookies and sweet carbonated drinks are quickly absorbed, increase blood sugar levels, processed into fats and deposited by the body to the reserve. Nutritionists advise replace flour and sugar sweets on natural honey, fruits and vegetables. From natural replacements of fast carbohydrates, it is worth carefully treating potatoes, grapes and bananas, because they contain a large number of hated fast carbohydrates.

Semi-finished products are also not a place on the table in people seeking to reduce weight. Cutlets, sausages, dumplings, pizza, pies made in production, contain an excavatory amount of fats plus chemicals that enhance the taste of the product. The person who has become on the path of proper nutrition must get used to feed on natural and freshly prepared products.

When weight loss, it is necessary to use those products that contain many fiber. The plant fiber copes well with the cleansing of the body from slags, it makes it difficult to digest and absorb carbohydrates, reduces appetite and others. These products include: oat, wheat bran, legumes, whole grains (rice, solid wheat), cereals (oats, millet, barley) , dried fruits, fresh fruits and berries, vegetables and cocoa powder (contains up to 12% fiber).

Products that can be used with proper nutrition:

  • Porridge (oat, buckwheat, wheat, wild, black rice). Porridge, of course, high calories, but when cooking most of the calories are losing. At the same time, all vitamins and minerals contained in the croups are not lost during heat treatment.
  • Non-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, milk) support intestinal microflora and perfectly replenish the body reserves by calcium and animal protein. If every day uses at least 0.5 liters of kefir, then life expectancy will increase.
  • Non-fat varieties of fish and meat - chicken fillets, turkey, various varieties of white fish.
  • Vegetables, fruits and berries.

The processing and preparation method of all products suitable for the principles of proper power must be gentle. No long thermal processing, a large amount of fat in a pan. You can master the preparation of products for a couple, baking in the oven, grilled.

Enjoy food. Even if you decide to adhere to the reception of the right food, do not refuse to receive everyday food containing a large amount of fats. After all, fashionable healthy food should not become an obstacle between you and your environment. Just eat the same fried potatoes without hurrying, no matter how regret it is eaten, but slowly savoring. And nothing that potatoes contain a huge amount of starch and cooked on vegetable or animal fats. But today you will try it, and tomorrow it will not be an intrusive idea for you, threatening with a breakdown in proper nutrition.

The man who became on the way of weight loss with the help of proper nutrition should not forget that an active lifestyle in combination with food will help to quickly cope with overweight. For beginners, the main thing to overcome the incurable disease of mankind is too lazy, take care of his health and appearance, no matter what. And you can start from the weekend after the labor everydays that you do not spend in bed or on the sofa in front of the TV, but in nature, just walking through the streets or skills.

Comments leave a comment
Lesya 03/15/2018 at 15:44.

I personally hard to lose weight. What just did not try. Yesterday, on the first channel, advertising was seen, about the model form 30+. They say well, praise, I read on the Internet, many capsules have already helped. So I think, and I do not drink them. You must buy and go through the course. 60 days and slender figure is provided. As part of Forskolin is contained, it just copes with an appetite. And in general, capsules on the body are well affected. Tomorrow I will go buy.

To answer
Kate 06/05/2018 at 8:30

The basis of the principle is fractional meals by small portions. You can take cottage cheese with fruit, nuts, well or protein bars (for example, turbo) on the snack. Now, by the way, a whole basket of such bars is played by TNT - you can save well)) In general, it is enough to ensure yourself a calorie deficit and everything will be Hood))

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Valentina 08/29/2018 at 14:51

I would know earlier that vitamin D deficiency does not affect the process of weight loss very well, I would certainly checked it in the body before. The article of the therapist's doctor came across my eyes to my eyes, passed the tests and found that it really is in me. I drink now ultra-d, overweight moved from a dead point.

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Marina 18/05/2019 at 10:21

And also a good chapel of the intestines from slags and toxins before the diet. Who does this spend?

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faith 19/05/2019 at 13:02

Marina, I spend. Really cool theme in front of the diet is to clean the intestine from slags and toxins. I buy an ordinary enterosgel, and accept it for several days. A feeling of lightness appears, it is easier to be easier, in general I like it. I recommend to try.

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Tina 06/10/2019 at 17:47.

I am PP and helped the weight to lose. Kushal 6 times a day - 3 main meals and 2 snacks (turbo bottle, taste "chocolate cupcake" most like). So in the end, the full always, and the figure pulled out, the fat is superfluous)) No wonder the entire line of Turboslimovskaya praise, I also like it very much))

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