How to eat right

How to eat right

The correct power supply will help not only feel perfectly, and also get rid of different diseases: from inflammation on the skin to gastritis.

In the diet, there must be different products: meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals, cereals, eggs, dairy and dairy products. Each of them contains many important components needed by the human body.

Eat moderately, do not overeat. Excessive food intake contributes to a set of overweight and negatively affects the work of many organism systems, causes different diseases. The daily rate of food intake in a particular person is individual. It depends, first of all, on how active the lifestyle is active in humans, how much energy it needs to be replaced in return.

Observe the power mode. You can not pass or transfer meals, otherwise the organism occurs a failure of digestion. This is fraught with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and not only. Optimally feeding often, 4-5 times a day, modest portions.

Products that are subject to heat treatment, it is better to cook for a couple, bake or cook. Fried, smoked dishes are undesirable. Avoid carbonated drinks, flour and sweet. Any food must be carefully chewed.

You should not use drinks, the temperature of which is below 9 ° C or exceeds 60 ° C.

These simple rules will help to improve the work of the intestine, to improve the whole organism and improve overall well-being.


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