How to dry

How to dry

Drying is fat burning, which is carried out by carbohydrate fasting. At the same time, fat is lost, and the muscles remain, forming a beautiful body relief. To avoid stress, you should properly approach this procedure.

The main source of energy for the human body is carbohydrates. To assimilate such a simple carbohydrate, like glucose, a hormone called insulin is required. With an excess of glucose, its residue is processed into fat. But if it is artificially creating a glucose deficiency, refusing a sweet and flour, the body will spend its reserves, in other words - fat deposits. The entire secret of the drying process is this - to reduce the use of simple carbohydrates.

When carrying out drying, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • The main element of the diet should be an easily sued protein.
  • You can not dry if you scored little muscle mass.
  • To maintain metabolism, it is recommended to eat fractionally, not allowing large breaks between meals - more than 5 hours.
  • Drink 2-3 liters of clean water, ginger and green tea per day.
  • In the evening, give up carbohydrates and porridge.
  • Calorial consumption must be less expenses.
  • Do not eat 2 hours before and after training.
  • Carbohydrates are recommended to use until lunch, as they are digested for a long time.
  • It is impossible to completely exclude fats from the diet, otherwise you harm the hair and skin.

Drying body consists of 5 seven days. At each stage you will reduce the amount of carbohydrates, refusing the prohibited products gradually to avoid a stressful situation. These include: sweets, flour, sugar, dairy and animal fats, sauces, smoked and salinity, alcohol. This will be brought to the same body. Porridge are welcome, but not more than 200 g, fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, legumes, poor carbohydrates vegetables and fruits with a high content of fiber, except potatoes, carrots and beets, low-fat milk. Seasonings, salt and oil use minimal quantities. Fatty acids use in the form of vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, linen. Record everything that is burned.

The first sevenneve is introductory. The amount of protein should be half the diet, fat - 20%, the rest is carbohydrates. At this stage, no more than 2 g of carbohydrates are allowed in terms of 1 kg of weight. To calculate the amount of carbohydrates, it is recommended to use tables for the Kremlin diet. The focus is best done on porridge, egg squirrel, seafood, fish, chicken meat, beef, cottage cheese.

Kremlin diet points table on our website.

During the second seven days, the use of carbohydrates should be reduced yet. Take no more than 1 g of carbohydrate per 1 kg of your weight and increase the amount of protein to 80%. In your diet should be attended: chicken breast, beef, fish, seafood, skimmed kefir, cottage cheese and milk, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens and cabbage. But the salt is fully eliminated. If you wish, you can pay attention to the bran - 1 spoon per day.

On the third week, we continue to further reduce the daily level of carbohydrates. We consume 0.5 g per 1 kg of weight. You can eat milk products with low fat, chicken breasts, boiled eggs, and better only protein, bran. The amount of water reduce to 1.5 liters per day. When the smell of acetone appears from the mouth or from the body, it is allowed to drink a little sweet juice. It is advisable to start receiving multivitamine complexes. The past fourth week is recommended to eat as in the second or third week, during the fifth seven-day - similar to the first.

A special place in the process of drying the body is occupied by physical exertion, since with fast slimming the skin saves significantly. It is training that helps preserve the muscles. The focus is focused on aerobic training - running, cycling, dancing, aerobics, because they are most useful. If you have made a choice in favor of running, then practice running to endurance is not fast, but not slow, in the morning or after the gym. The minimum occupation time is 40 minutes. But the use of fat-grain funds can be negatively affected by the body, for example, provoke ketoacidosis - the state when the work on the splitting of fats is stopped. Lost health, unfortunately, you will not be able to restore any doctor, so it is better to abandon the "chemistry". And if such a matter, like ketoacidosis, still occurred, urgently accept some carbohydrates to dissolve ketones. Conclusion: Do not completely refuse sweet.

Remember that in some cases it is strictly forbidden to carry out the drying of the body, as it also has its own contraindications. If you have diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver, intestines, pancreas, heart problems and vessels - give up the ventiy. Cannot be dried pregnant and nursing mothers. The procedure is contraindicated with diabetics. Consider that even in the absence of listed aids, it is important to do everything correctly without changing seven days, as you can harm health.

According to experts, it is allowed to dry once a year, not more often. Ideally, it is recommended to lose weight, and in the future it is to keep it, regularly engage in sports and correctly feeding.

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Zhanna 06/09/2018 at 10:01

For proper drying as a coach, I can advise the deficiency of calories, sports (but without excessive passion of cardio) and supplements for helping the body. I have this most often any multivitamin complexes for women, Sport Energy Expert (Natural Energy ... Therefore, there is very little shortage for short supply, and you need to train) and fish oil. Weight goes with a bang ... and more precisely due to fat

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