Muscle Mass Diet

Muscle Mass Diet

So that the muscular mass began to grow, the body should receive a competently balanced amount of building materials. It is very important to understand the principles of building a diet. Thus, you can independently compile it and further adjust.

If you eat often, elements that contribute to muscle growth will continue to the body. Our body is very economical, so if the necessary number of nutrients does not come to it, it will simply stop the construction, as a result of which the muscle mass will also stop growing. Start eating six to seven times a day. Watch that the time interval between food consumption does not exceed more than two hours. Thus, you will get the daily rate of the necessary substances and do not overload the digestive system.

Food should be high-calorie. The muscles grow only if the incoming energy (from the power) exceeds the spent. It is worth noting that this principle is the main thing for all diets. For example, for weight loss, the energy spent must exceed the incoming. For the desired result, it is necessary to simply change the components of the places.

Make sure that you get the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day. If we talk about proteins, then you should receive 30-35% per day. Carbohydrates should flow in an amount of 50-60%, and fats - 10-20%. This percentage distribution is recommended by nutritionists. It is conditional and may differ slightly for different people. But when selecting a balanced amount of nutrients, focus on these percentages.

Your body should come a lot of water - from two to four liters a day, which depends on your weight. One kilogram weight requires thirty milliliters of water. Drink water only between meals so that the digestion is not difficult. It is very important to eat at the same time. The fact is that all the exchange processes in the body work according to modes, so it can easily adjust.

Care several times a week in the gym. Two hours before training, you must eat, preferably something from complex carbohydrates. They will give energy to workout. For half an hour before training, you can drink a protein-carbohydrate mixture. When you finish training, eat several bananas or other fruits. After forty minutes after classes, it is important to eat anything from slow carbohydrates and proteins. It is worth noting that this meal is very important, because after training the body absorbs much more building materials.

Turn on the correct products to your diet. Useful sources of carbohydrates are various cereals, potatoes, pasta, rice, bread, vegetables, mushrooms, greens. Protein is contained in low-fat meat, dairy products, eggs, fish, legumes, nuts. Eat seafood and nuts for getting fats. It is recommended to additionally take OEGA-3. During the period of physical exertion, you need vitamins of group B and Vitamin C. You can use them additionally as part of vitamin and mineral complexes. At night, accept a good portion of the protein.

Eat less rapid carbohydrates. These include confectionery, fresh juices, sweet fruits, etc. You can consume them only immediately after workout. At this point, the body needs to fill the glycosis and glycogen reserves. But at another time, the eaten sweets can turn into a gipshish on the stomach.

Plan your diet for the week and take care of the houses of the necessary products. Now you can easily make proper nutrition for muscle growth, which will help you get the desired increase in weight and change the appearance.

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Marfa 06/09/2018 at 10:03.

I, by the way, with the way with meals on the set, everything is normal, but there is not enough strength and endurance ... Large weights I can not force myself to raise yourself. It is good that now energy is there (and not dangerous, completely natural) -I here the Sport Expert Energy Expert I accept before Trenas and Tasty, and the Force really becomes more

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