How to reduce blood sugar

How to reduce blood sugar

People who are sick diabetes are important not just to reduce blood sugar, but support it at a certain level. A sharp reduction in sugar is also dangerous, it can lead to a hypoglycemic coma. To stabilize sugar, you must adhere to a certain diet.

Take food often, but in small portions. Optimally divided by the daily dose of consumed products by 5-6 receptions.

Try to exclude fatty, fried, smoked dishes from diet. They not only raise sugar sharply, but negatively affect the work of different body systems. Limit the consumption of alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks. An exception can be a glass of dry wine per day. Sugar replace sorbitol, flour and sweet dishes are better excluded from the diet completely. In acute desire, know the measure. If you eat one candy from natural chocolate once a month, nothing terrible will happen, but you should not use a whole cake for one sitting.

Try to avoid stress, spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. Useful long walking.

Eat more greenery, seasonal vegetables and savory fruits and berries (Antonovka apples, red currant, oranges, lemons, cranberries). Choosing bread, preferent black; Buying fish, pay attention to low-fat varieties. Turn on Topinambur in the diet. It can be raw, but you can make a decoction. Tanning tubers 15 - 50 min, depending on the degree of dryness, let's break for 6 hours. Fluid liquid drink 1/2 cup to 3 times a day.

For 40 days, eat cinnamon to 1 g per day. For example, make tea with cinnamon sticks. Boil up to 3 sticks in 4 glasses of water for 20 minutes. You can add cinnamon in porridge, sandwiches, casseroles.

Take the infusion of dry leaf blueberries: 1 tbsp. Leaves pour with one glass of boiling water, let it brew about 30 minutes. Fluid fluid can be drunk up to 3 times a day.

Take a decoction from the root of the burdock. 1 tbsp. Dried grass pour the glass of boiling water on a water bath for 30 minutes. Cooled fluid resurrection and bring to drinking water up to 200 ml. Take this drink 1/2 cup to 2 times a day.

Drink tea from dandelion root. Root finely cut, brew as simple tea. For a glass of drink Take 1 tsp. root. Strain it and drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day. Such tea can even lower a very high level of sugar.

These simple techniques will help to reduce and maintain the level of sugar on their own, but it is still desirable to visit the doctor who, if necessary, prescribe treatment with the use of drugs.

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Kira 06/10/2018 at 14:13

I have long supported sugar normally, there is no sharp jumps, thanks to alpha-lipoic acid by Evalarovskaya and tinctures on Tavroge. I'm just fine ... Previously, it was constantly with these jumps, and the craving for sweets was ... Yes, and dizziness was disturbed, in general, nice little ((

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