Lipoevoy acid wide used how means for prick v order figures. V last thing time w. this method appeared many fans, what is talking o his effectiveness.
Lipoic acid - whatthis is?
Lipoye acid is an substance, similar on fIUM with vitamin N.. Her even some call vitamin N.. Accept active participation v exchange fats and carbohydrates, is an very strong antioxidant.

The effect of lipoic acid
By mechanism actions a drug approximate to vitaminam groups V. He:
- Changes condition and structure skin to better.
- Renders rejuvenating action.
- At diabetic neuropathy – reduces her severity.
- Produces oxidation fatty acid.
- Drive unit v norm level sahara v organism.
- Improves functioning cardiovascular systems.
- Improves work spectatical organs.
- Reduces malware impact slags.
- Improves exchange substances.
Application of lipoic acid
From per wide spectrum opportunities, lipoevoy acid apply for different goals:
- How antioxidant.
- How means reduction weight and energy.
- How a drug, minimizing complications at diabetes.
it means promotes establishing from organism toxins and others harmful substances, a sosame not gives form zhirov cells. But calculate on fast slimming thanks to preparation, not costs. He not destroys fat, a only not gives form new. Reception this drug necessary combine with physical loads, then the effect guaranteed!
Important moment is an property drug block action enzyme proteincanaza, signal v brain o hunger.
TO 35 years occurs reduced development lipoeva acid v organism, therefore doctors recommend accept her additionally, how active additive.
Contraindications for lipoic acid
W. this drug, how and w. any other medicines, exists contraindications. He contraindicated people sO next diseases:
- Violations functions kidney.
- Oncology diseases.
- Gastritis.
- Individual intolerance.
- Ulcer stomach and duodenal intestine.
- Gastritis.
V age before 18 years and in time pregnancy application drug sosame not recommended.

Sideactions of lipoic acid
On any means reaction organism individually. V instructions lipoeva acid specified, what can arise next side effects:
- Small spectatical violations.
- Vomit.
- Allergic reactions.
- Head pain.
- Nausea.
Howaccept lipoevoy acid to lose weight?
Specialists advise accept a drug across hour after food, before 3–nS once v day, v flow month. Generally, v instructions written, what for achievements most effect recommended accept a drug dosage before 200 mg., but, sharp of this make not necessary, necessary begin with dose v 50 mg, and gradually her increase.
Recommended for improvements result from applications lipoeva acid enter v ration how can more carbohydrate food. it buckwheat, dates, honey, rice, pasta, and t.d..
except togo, recommended together with acid accept levokartinin – he activates fatty exchange and helps organism consulate eNERGY from of their reserves fat v some faster.
Many specialists call lipoevoy acid « elixir youth». it opinion not oloto, it reinforced set research, confirmed properties acid stop aging.