Folic acid for pregnant women, how to take

Folic acid for pregnant women, how to take

According to medical research, each second woman does not affect folic acid (vitamin B9). Especially high deficit among those who drink hormonal drugs or alcohol, as well as among pregnant women. Therefore, gynecologists prescribe this vitamin to all pregnant women without exception, regardless of their lifestyle and nutrition. Keep in mind, to start receiving folic acid should be long before you are registered in the women's consultation.

Why do you need folic acid

The importance of this vitamin is difficult to overestimate:

  • Folic acid takes part in the construction of proteins, which means that it is necessary for the growth and division of organism cells.
  • This vitamin is necessary for the full formation of blood cells.
  • Folic acid plays a big role in the timely development of the fetus.
  • It prevents the emergence of various defects of the nervous tube - hydroencephalia, anencephalia and others.
  • Vitamin is the prevention of hare lips and wolf graze.

How to take vitamin before pregnancy

Vitamin B9 will be useful not only for the future mother, but also for dad:

  • To avoid a shortage of substance in the body, if possible, start taking vitamin B9 in advance - preferably at least 3 months before conception. Dose - from 0.4 mg and above.
  • Your husband should drink folic acid in a dosage of 0.4 mg and more than three months before the alleged conception. The deficit of this vitamin directly affects the number of healthy spermatozoa and affects the ability of a man to conceive a kid.

Reception during pregnancy

Many women are wondering if folic acid is needed during pregnancy and how to take it properly. Note that:

  • In the early periods, folic acid is especially important. For example, the formation of the nervous tube occurs in the second-third week, when many moms still do not know about their "interesting position". For 12 weeks after conception, be sure to drink folic acid, the desired dose is 0.8 mg.
  • If possible, continue to take vitamin in the same quantity throughout the pregnancy.
  • If you have or a husband in the genus there were cases of congenital diseases, increase the daily dose of vitamin to 4 mg.
  • Consider the amount of folic acid that you take in the composition of polyvitamins for pregnant women.

Reception after the birth of the baby

The child, like a sponge, absorbs the mother's materials from the organism - and before, and after birth, with maternal milk. To avoid vitamin B 9 deficit, continue to take it and after delivery in the amount of 0.5 mg per day. If you are taking multivitamins, additionally drink folic acid is not needed.

Folic acid deficiency

The diagnosis of "Vitamin B9 deficiency" puts the therapist. You can increase the dose of the drug if:

  • Before pregnancy drank oral contraceptives.
  • Take sorbents.
  • You have an early toxicosis of pregnant women.
  • Before pregnancy, you observed a protein diet.
  • You drink (drank) anticonvulsant drugs.
  • You have any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • You consume little vegetable food.


Contraindications when taking folic acid

Most women, folic acid preparation brings only benefits. But there are several states in which the dosage should be reduced:

  • Many women in anticipation of the child begin to closely close not only for the state of health, but also for the naturalness of food, which they consume. Most often, they try to give up drugs at all for the whole "interesting" period, so as not to harm the baby.
  • Sometimes pharmacy vitamin causes allergies.
  • Folic acid in the amount of 5 mg per day and more may prevent diagnosing pernicious anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency).


Folic acid substitutes

Pharmacope can be compensated (but not to replace completely!) Food products. If you are an eco-mother, or you are allergic to the drug, reduce the dosage and replenish the deficiency of vitamin from the following products:

  • Green vegetables and spicy herbs.
  • Soybeans and beans.
  • Liver liver livers and birds preferably grown in their own farm.
  • Cod liver.
  • Sunflower seeds, peanuts.
  • Folic acid is produced in the human body, but in very small quantities.

If you decide to use vitamins "with a bed", please note:

  • Acid is contained in raw vegetables and greenery, and when heated is destroyed.
  • There are cabbage, salad and other vitamin-containing products should be regularly, every day and rejug.
  • The overdose of vitamin does not happen: if you eat a lot and immediately, the body itself will get rid of surplus.
  • Vitamin B9 from food is digested worse than from tablets.

Refusing any preparations for pregnancy, make one exception: take folic acid at least in preventive doses!

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Yana 03/17/22021 at 0:14.

I was prescribed the doctor folic acid before pregnancy, then the vitamins always adjusted. Something cleaned from the list, something on the contrary added.

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Alisa V. 03/17/20021 at 19:05

Yes, foliaic acid is prescribed at the planning stage, I also had it too. Now there are 22 weeks and I take on the recommendation of the doctor Biotophy Biotophy Prenatal, useful in composition are quite tasty. Minerals, vitamins and even probiotic in the composition, inspires confidence)

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