Linen oil - benefit and harm how to take

Linen oil - benefit and harm how to take

Linseed oil is one of the most useful products that keeps in its composition saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamins of groups A and E and many other trace elements. All of them are very useful for the body. In particular, polyunsaturated acids contained in the composition are beneficial to the metabolism, slow down the aging process and protect the body. Linen oil is used in a wide variety of areas. However, in the food industry it is consumed increasingly. His beneficial properties allow you to use it in medicine. Linen oil is in pure form even more useful for the body. Food is recommended to use unrefined oil. It is in it that contains a greater number of all useful vitamins and trace elements.

How to choose and store linseed oil

  • When choosing linseed oil, it is important to pay attention to the container in which it is stored. So that the oil was high quality, tasty and not oxidized, the sun rays and air should not fall on it. Therefore, the bottle in which the oil is stored is dark.
  • You should buy oil made only by cold spin. Only such oil can be used for nutritional purposes. Other express methods mean that you have a product that cannot be eaten. Linen oil has a very small shelf life, so it is best to buy oil in a small bottle.
  • When choosing, you need to pay attention to the color. Some bottles allow you to see the shade of the oil. It must be a golden brown shade. Too light or dark oil can say that the product is spoiled. Also do not forget to look at the shelf life.
  • Linen oil has a fairly specific taste, but you need to ensure that it is not proud. This feature may indicate that the oil has spoiled.

The benefits of linen oil

This oil is extremely useful both for the whole organism and for some of its systems. Oil has several main goals, to achieve which it is applied.

  • Promotes rejuvenation. The lignins contained in the composition affect the body as a rejuvenating agent. They are well absorbed by the body and with regular use slow down the processes of aging, rejuvenate the body.
  • Allows you to lose weight. In the composition of oil there is Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids. Just they reduce appetite and well affect all digestion organs. Thanks to this, the body becomes much easier to get rid of extra kilograms.
  • Strengthens the heart and vessels. It has long been established that linen oil helps to significantly reduce the risk of repeated heart attacks. It also reduces cholesterol levels, helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and reduce pressure.
  • Beneficially affects the gastrointestinal tract. Linen oil eliminates a large number of gastrointestinal diseases: constipation, gastritis, colitis and many other diseases. Its regular use at times reduces the lawsuit of the occurrence of stones in the kidneys.
  • Improves women's health. Useful unsaturated fats make it possible to improve the hormonal background of women, prevent many female diseases. Moreover, its useful vitamins and trace elements have a beneficial effect on the state of the skin, nails and hair.

Linen oil harm

Despite all the advantages of this oil, it can cause harm to the body. For example, its use can lead to the following problems.

  • If the recommended daily oil rate is exceeded, constipation may occur.
  • Allergies may occur.
  • Oil negatively affects blood clotting.
  • The joint use of oil with other drugs (for example, painkillers) can be extremely negatively affected by the state of health.

How to take linseed oil

Oil is best used in the morning on an empty stomach (30 minutes before the first meal). This will allow the entire metabolism. Linen oil can be taken in food and in the evening 20-30 minutes after the last meal.

It is important to comply with the recommendations and use oil in the correct quantity. It is not recommended to use more than 1 tablespoon of linseed oil per day. However, it is best to ask your doctor about the norm of oil, since the necessary acids and vitamins organism can receive from other products.

Contraindications for linen oil

Linen oil has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which you need to refuse to eat it in food. They can be:

  • Hepatitis.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Available polyps in the field of appendages and uterus.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Diseases of biliary tract.
  • Receiving antidepressants.
  • Receiving hormonal drugs.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If you doubt the presence of certain signs or diseases, then you need to see a doctor for advice.

Linen oil can be both useful and harmful to the body. At the same time, the advantages of this oil is much larger, which allows you to use it in food a huge number of people. However, it must be remembered that such a useful product can be useful not to everyone, so before it takes to be consulted with a doctor.

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