Bran wheat - benefit and harm how to take

Bran wheat - benefit and harm how to take

In the history, an interesting case is recorded that tells about the need to receive a man of coarse food. At the beginning of the 18th century, the whole of European countries refused to prepare garnish from unsophisticated grains. Only purified seeds were added to the cooking dish. After some time, Lekarya was defeated by alarming - the unknown disease was massively valled from the feet. The manifestation was the same - hallucinations, weakness, paralysis. Hollandets Eykman only in the 20th century proved the relationship between the refusal of untreated grains and the disease. People ruined the lack of thiamine - vitamin contained in the grain shell.

Wheat bran - composition

Wheat bran - upper grain scales, resulting from coarse purification on flourishing production. More recently, bran was considered waste production and processed on livestock feed. In the early 19th century, our ancestors used whole grain flour for cooking bread, getting in full all the beneficial properties of bran. Today we use bakery products from extremely purified flour, manifesting their body with vitamins.

  • Bran consists of the upper shell of grain, endosperm and a fit, which contains up to 80% of useful trace elements and essential substances. The structure of wheat bran includes: golee trace elements - iodine, potassium, phosphorus, copper, sodium. The necessary organisms of acid and vitamins - thiamine, omega 6, carotene, omega 3, vitamins of group A, B and E.
  • The main value of bran, appreciated in nutrition - the content of dietary fibers and fiber, which is settling the work of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the level of sugar during diabetes, remove cholesterol and is perfectly saturated, suppressing the desire to eat.

Product calorieness - 150 kcal per 100 g.

Wheat bran - benefit or harm

If you argue about the dangers of this raw material, there is only one minus - it is forbidden to use the product to people having a gastrointestinal disease. Otherwise, with the use of wheat bran, you will only benefit and reinforce the general condition of the body. The amazing composition of the product contributes:

  • The prevention of dysbacteriosis - due to the content of the vitamins of the group E and B in bran, the mucous membrane of the stomach is supplied, normalizing the active production of gastric juice. Moreover, the functions of the pancreas and liver are being established.
  • Reinforcement of the feminine and male sexual system - bran fatty acids support the necessary estrogen balance. For women, it serves as excellent prevention from the appearance of breast cancer and cervical diseases. Men bran help the well-coordinated work of the prostate gland and long preservation of the "male" force.
  • Slimming - bran contribute to a decrease in appetite, swelling and filling the volume of the stomach, which gives a feeling of satiety and saturation.
  • Relief from constipation - fiber fibers are practically not digested by the intestine, but absorbed with the rest of food, turning it into water. If you compare bran by the amount of fiber content with meat or fruit, bran will take a leading position.

Bran wheaten how to take

Bran are coarse and hard food for the body. Therefore, it is recommended to start a course with 1 tbsp. Spoons of finished product, every 3 days increasing the amount. For reception of the first course, enough duration of 10 days. If you are taking wheat bran on a regular basis, you can use the product for a month, after which a break is required 10-14 days. The supermarket shopping shelves meet:

  • Granulated wheat bran - do not require preheating, fall asleep immediately into soup, porridge, breading or hot drinks.
  • Flakes or powder - pour boiling water, let it brew 30-40 minutes, and then you can use in food.
  • Air sticks are produced in the form of muesli or cookies. Ready to use immediately after purchase, but they carry few useful properties.
  • Tableted form - is accepted by the course, the instruction is attached to the drug.

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