How to take linse oil correctly

How to take linse oil correctly

Linen oil is an unconditional leader among oils of plant origin on the content of nutrients. This is the rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6, and in the composition of flaxseed oil almost twice as much as in fish oil. That is why linseed oil has such a specific taste, which is not every pleasant. However, therapeutic properties of oil from the flax seed are much superior to such inconvenience as his peculiar smell and taste. How correctly use linseed oil so that it really benefit the body?

To improve metabolic processes, as well as to effectively reduce weight, it is used according to such a scheme that is universal for all:

  • in the morning 20 minutes before meals drink one teaspoon of oil from linen seed;
  • in the evening 20 minutes after the last meal, one teaspoon of the product should also be taken.

Gradually, this dose should be increased to a tablespoon. If you disturb you with the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water after taking flaxseed oil, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body.

The oil from the flax seed can also be used in food, mixing with other products. For example:

  • it can be connected to lemon juice and use as refueling in salads - it turns out very tasty and useful;
  • add this oil into honey, mixing with dried fruits and various types of nuts;
  • you can use linseed oil, smearing it on bread, as well as add to yogurts or fruit syrups.

The only restrictions on the use of flaxseed in food - it does not make any heating, while losing its beneficial properties. Therefore, to fry or water them hot dishes are not recommended. The side effects of linseed oil does not have, but it is not recommended to be carried away by such categories of the population:

  • nursing mothers, small children, pregnancy - reception by the consent of the doctor;
  • people with elevated cholesterol levels can take linseed oil only during food intake;
  • linen oil dilutes blood, that is, it cannot be used to people with violations of blood coagulation norms;
  • diseases of biliary tract.

It will very beneficially affect the use of flaxseed in food with such diseases:

  • cardiovascular diseases, since its constant consumption prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • prevention and treatment of cancer contained in flaxseed fatty acids prevent the development of tumors of various kinds;
  • asthma, even a short oil intake helps to improve the condition of the patient;
  • the gastrointestinal tract, oil from the flax seed contributes to the overall imminent strengthening, and therefore it is often prescribed to the patient after operations;
  • allergies, as a result of intake of linseed oil, inhibits inflammatory processes in the body, thereby preventing the manifestation of allergic reactions.

In the choice of oil from the flax seed, give preference to unrefined cold spin oil. With direct sunlight hit, it quickly loses its healing properties, and therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the packaging in which the liquid is located - the container should be dark color. Store linseed oil is needed in a cold place, since at room temperatures it will deteriorate, and if the oil is baptized - know that storage conditions are not respected, and you purchased a spoiled product.

For the manifestation of positive results of the use of flaxseed oil, it must be used for a long period of time - at least a couple of months. Permanent linseed oil guarantees excellent condition of your skin, hair and nails, and also normalizes the overall state of your health.

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