What is useful linseed oil

What is useful linseed oil

Linseed oil is considered one of the most useful. It can cure some diseases, oil is widely used to maintain beauty, in the end it is very tasty and add to dishes well.

Composition of linseed oil

There are quite a few unsaturated fatty acids in oil:

  • Omega-3 - from 44 to 61%.
  • Omega-6 - from 15 to 30%.
  • Omega-9 - from 13 to 29%.

In addition, in oil seed oil, there are saturated acids, vitamins A, E, F, folic acid and estrogen-like phytohormones (lignins). The latter are powerful antioxidant. Some doctors believe that lignins are even able to fight cancer cells, then there is no accurate information about it.

Linen oil for health

Folk Medicine It is recommended to take a means of:

  • high arterial pressure;
  • elevated cholesterol;
  • the possibilities of re-attacks of ischemia or infarction;
  • volchanka;
  • gout;
  • fibrous mastopathy;
  • constipation;
  • hemorrhoid;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis.

The oil is perfectly soothing the skin with strong sunburn and helps to restore damaged skin.

How to take linseed oil

With different diseases, flax oil must be consumed by different portions. But in any case, folk healers do not recommend it to use too much. If you treat the same psoriasis or eczema, then the oil for rubbing is enough and one spoon. For internal use - from one to two spoons per day. For outdoor use, the oil must be heated a little on the water bath. For the inner - this is not worth doing. If the oil gathered to drink, it is better to add it to vegetable salads or water them black bread.

Linen oil for beauty

Our grandmothers used oil to maintain hair and face beauty. The presence of a large number of most popular vitamins and fatty acids puts this means into a row with the most expensive creams.

Beauty hair

Flax oil can be added to any hair masks. After such care, the curls become elastic, elastic and very shiny. If you add some oil to the usual portion of the usual shampoo (5-10 drops), then the hair will also receive its portion of the beneficial substances. How to make a hair mask:

  1. One fresh egg yolk with a fork.
  2. Add one tablespoon of heated oil to it.
  3. Apply a mask on your hair for one hour.

Beauty skin

Cosmetologists when mixing carving masks are very often added to them linseed oil. The skin of the face becomes shining and tightened. How to make a refreshing mask:

  1. One cucumber soda on a shallow grater and take one tablespoon of his pulp.
  2. Mix the cucumber flesh with sour cream (1 tablespoon).
  3. Add a tablespoon of linen oil into the mask.
  4. Apply a mask on your face and keep it 15 minutes.

Beauty nail

Linen oil is capable of even the most dry and pouring nails to make strong and healthy. For their treatment every other day, make twenty-minute baths from one liter of warm water and two spoons of oil. The result you will see exactly a month - the nails will be alive and stop breaking.

Linen oil is very much oxidized in the light. If you gathered it to buy, then choose the one that is sold in a dark bottle. But even stored this bottle in the closed locker. When buying, do not forget to explore the inscription on the label, which informs about its storage.

Comments leave a comment
Victoria 09/09/2018 at 23:18

Linen oil is just a collection of utilities, I drink every morning on the tablespoon) + I drink a triple Evalarov omega 3 in a capsule per day to get the norm of fats, because. it is very important

To answer
Victoria 09/09/2018 at 23:28

Linen oil is just a collection of utilities, I drink every morning on the tablespoon) + I drink a triple Evalarov omega 3 in a capsule per day to get the norm of fats, because. it is very important

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