Hair almond oil

Hair almond oil

Almond oil is an effective cosmetic product used with dryness or excessive hairiness of the hair. The tool will protect your hair from the influence of external factors, cope with the problem of seborrheic dermatitis, restore the hair structure and damaged tips. This product is often found in the recipe of modern nutritional creams, emulsions, masks and other cosmetics.

The benefits of individual components of almond oil

Visually, this product is a yellow liquid with a light shade, not having a sediment. In this case, the composition of the oil is quite diverse:

  • Carbon and monounsaturated fatty acids are treated damaged tips, contribute to the cell regeneration and stuffing keratin scales, launch the process of hair restoration after aggressive clarification or chemical curling.
  • Amigdalin is responsible for the regeneration of the membrane cell structure.
  • Phytosterol - protects hair from damage to various kinds - from mechanical damage when combing to adverse effects of natural factors.
  • Tocosterol - launches cell recovery process, activates hair growth.
  • Vitamins - saturated hair onions, protect the hair rod from the destructive effects of sunlight, restore the secretory function of the sebaceous glands.

How can I use almond oil

There is nothing complicated in the methods of application of oil:

  • Product application without subsequent washes. On a wooden comb, pour a couple of drops of products and periodically swipe your hair during the day.
  • Massage head with butter. This procedure is better to carry out an hour before the washing of hair. 3-4 drops scatter in the palms, lower your head down and rub the oil into the base of the hair. Massage the head with the tips of the fingers so that the tool penetrates the skin as much as possible.
  • Combination of oil with shampoo. Apply 3-4 drops of oil on the palm, add shampoo, scroll and apply on your hair. Next, proceed as with the usual washing of the head.

How to cook almond mask

There are a large number of folk recipes with almond oil. In this article, the compositions are selected depending on the type of hair:

  • For hair prone to fatty: connect the oil, brandy, kefir, lemon juice, blue clay powder in the same quantity.
  • For dry hair: Egg yolk hurt and mix with a tablespoon of oil.
  • Against excised hair: Connect oil, milk and ground oatmeal in the same proportions.
  • Against seborrheic dermatitis: combine alike the almond oil and the flesh of aloe.

  • To enhance growth: dissolve a spoonful of mustard powder in 2 glasses of warm water, add an egg yolk, a dessert kefir and almond oil spoon. All mix.
  • Universal Composition: Beat the yolk, add a tablespoon of almond, peach oil and hair domexide.
  • Composition for blondes: Mix warm milk and ground oatmeal in the same proportions. Give the flakes to swell and add 2 tablespoons of almond oil.
  • The composition for brunettes: connect the cognac and almond oil in the same proportions. Apply on your hair.
  • Almond oil for climbing hair: half of the ripe fetus avocado grind in a blender and mix with a tablespoon of almond and olive oils.

Always heat the oil before use. Any mask must be distributed over the entire length of the hair, wrap the head with a cellophane film or package and hold 30 minutes. In case of sensitive skin, it is not recommended to keep the mask for more than 15 minutes if aggressive components are used in it (mustard, aloe, brandy). The frequency of applying almond masks is 2 times a week.

Do not use this tool when allergic to nuts. Before the first use, test the oil on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. If you notice itching or redness, rinse the skin with water with soap and give up the means.

Almond oil has a nutritious, softening, protective, toning, anti-inflammatory effect on the hair and the state of the scalp. It can be used for all types of hair. The tool improves their structure, starts the growth and recovery processes. The oil is able to enrich the nutrients dry hair and normalize the operation of the sebaceous glands at a fattime structure. Use it regularly using various ways from this article, and your hair will gain healthy shine and power.

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