Lucky hair mask

Lucky hair mask

Therapeutic hair compositions with onion juice are more efficient than ultra-modern cosmetics. Onions contain biologically significant elements, vitamins and aminocarboxylic acids that are saturated, nourished and strengthen the hair onions, help get rid of dandruff, stop falling out and strengthen hair growth.

How to get onion juice

Onions can be used as an independent ingredient and in composition with other product useful products. For use in a pure form, soda is a large onion on a large grater, wrap the cassea into the gauze and apply to the skin of the head as pressing movements. Continue until all the roots of the hair are impregnated with onion juice, then wrap the hair with cellophane and keep about an hour.

The tool is quite efficient, but it is better to use onion juice in the composition of hair masks, combining it with other ingredients. This will add nutrient components and speeds the required result.

You can get juice from a bow in several ways.

  • Juicer: Well suits when a large amount of raw materials are required.
  • Meat grinder: Juice can be collected when scrolling the bulbs, it begins to flow earlier than Cashier appears.
  • Babushkin Method: Put the onion cleaner in the gauze and squeeze the juice into the glass. This method is well suited when a pair of juice spoons is required.

Therapeutic masks with bow

These masks can be used regardless of the type of hair. After applying the means - wrap the head with a film and a towel. Consider popular recipes:

  • For recovery and growth: Jolk of one chicken eggs, connect with liquid natural honey, onion juice, kefir or spokes (in the same quantity), distribute the mask to all hair.
  • To get rid of dandruff: connect vodka, onion juice and caster, rub into the base of the hair by massaging movements.
  • To increase the volume and stimulation of hair growth: in the freshly squeezed juice of one bulbs, pour on the tablespoon of aloe juice, dry yeast, burned oil. Put in the bowl with warm water for 15 minutes. Rub into the base of the hair.
  • To prevent baldness: Connect the bow and cloves of garlic with a tablespoon of cognac or cologne. Massaging movements cover the composition in the scalp.
  • For food, moisturizing and gloss: Single lemon juice Wake with a yolk, pour a few drops of oil ylang-ylang, a tablespoon of the Caster, Vitamin E. Ampules such a mask can be distributed on all hair.

If your hair is prone to fatty, it is recommended to keep the tool on the head of about 2 hours, if one hour is enough.

How to remove onion smell with hair

After applying onion compositions on the hair remains a specific smell. It can be minimized using non-hard ways. Take advantage of one of them if you do not want to constantly breathe onion aroma:

  • Rinse clean hair with lemon juice - one lemon per liter of water.
  • Moisten the hair into the infusion of herbs, for example, chamomile, burdock or nettle - 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials per liter of hot water.
  • Pize the mask a couple of droplets of essential oils with the smell that you like, for example, lavender or rosemary.
  • A teaspoon of dry mustard Mix with a bag of colorless henna, pour natural (not instant) hot coffee, mix and let it breed for 10 minutes. Add 4 drops of any essential oil with a pleasant smell and apply for half an hour. Before applying the composition, hair should be cleaned from the onion mask. Then rinse the hair with warm water. This is a rather long and time consuming method, but it cleans the smell of onions well and additionally saturates hair with useful elements.

Onion juice-based masks help to cope with the main problems of hair - they make curls lush and shiny, help grow long and increase the volume, get rid of dandruff and pimples on the scalp. It is recommended to do the first mask course every other day for 3 weeks. In the future, it is enough to make 1-2 procedures a week to maintain the result achieved.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 25/11/2018 at 11:43.

I did such a mask myself, but the smell then did not disappear from the hair for a long time. Therefore, I decided not to experiment with homemade masks and buy already ready. In the pharmacy found the Italian professional mask Horse Fors Ultra strengthened. She stopped hair loss, gave them volume and they began to look more healthy


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