How to take pumpkin oil

How to take pumpkin oil

Pumpkin oil is a product with a unique story. In the Middle Ages, Europeans called him no other than the "miraculous liquid gold." In those days, it really was for the pocket of exceptionally wealthy personnel, because the cost of a small bubble with a healing aromatic fluid was suitable for the price of a massive ring of purest gold! Today, oil from pumpkin seeds is still valuable, but it is more common and accessible.

Composition of pumpkin oil

Oil extracted from pumpkin fruit seeds, no reason is one of the most useful oils of plant origin. It includes a number of essential amino acids and minerals, tocopherols and carotenoids, phospholipids and phytosterols, as well as a whole group of fat and water-soluble vitamins. Even individually, each of these components is incredibly useful and important to maintain health at the proper level, in the complex compound they are truly creating wonders.


Properties of pumpkin oil

Practice shows that the dosage consumption of the original pumpkin oil contributes to:

  • cleansing the body from carcinogenic substances, toxins and slags;
  • improving imune status;
  • activation of metabolism and lipid processes;
  • neutralization of allergic reactions of various etymology;
  • improving the operation of the digestive tract;
  • regeneration of damaged epithelial tissues;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • full-fledged operation of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • Establishing intestinal parasites from the body.

An important nuance! With any parasitic diseases, oil use is advisable to combine with the reception of raw pumpkin seeds. The best useful grains have an empty stomach, but if you wish, they can be added to already cooked dishes.

Seed oil3

Features and Restrictions on Pumpkin Oil

Despite the rich biochemical composition and unique impact on the human body, there are some restrictions on the use of oil produced from pumpkin seeds:

  • The caloric content of the Gold Elixira is sufficiently high (about 900 kcal / 100 g), therefore, persons with diagnosed diabetes and / or obesity, the issue of oil injection into the diet should be coordinated with a observing therapist or a nutritionist.
  • With individual intolerance of the oil, the symptoms of food allergies are possible - redness of the skin, nausea, intestinal colic. In such a situation, the reception of the plant should be immediately terminated.
  • It is important to take into account that the product in question has a powerful choleretic effect, so its independent use is unacceptable in the presence of calculous cholecystitis.

Note! With systematic oil intake, periodic chairs are possible. In this case, doctors recommend pausing "pumpkin therapy" until the unpleasant symptoms of diarrhea and the restoration of the intestinal work are completely eliminated.

Contraindication oil

How to make pumpkin oil

In the absence of contraindications, oil pumpkin seeds are used according to certain recommendations:

  • Enter the healing product into the daily diet follows in small portions - 1 / 2-1 tsp. Twice a day before either after eating. Gradually, the dosage can be increased to 2-3 ppm
  • Between meals and pumpkin oil, the interval of 1.5-2 hours must be kept.
  • The optimal duration of one therapeutic and prophylactic course ranges from 15-30 days. A more accurate term of the internal use of oil is better to agree with a physician.
  • To prevent the appearance of belching, the oily liquid is hijacked with a wheat crummer or pick up a small amount of citrus juice or cranberry morse.

Pumpkin Oil Selection Rules

When choosing a natural pumpkin oil, we recommend paying attention to the following nuances:

  • Production technology. Choosing between the "collections" of hot (traditional) and cold spin, feel free to prefer the latter. The taste of these oils is almost identical, but the useful value of the second is much higher in comparison with the first.
  • Package. High-quality goods are usually packed in the tank of darkened glass or a tin can. Surrogat is most often bottled into the transparent plastic container.
  • Composition. Read the accompanying instruction and / or marking label carefully. Often unscrupulous manufacturers to pumpkin oil add sunflower, corn and others.
  • Shelf life. Be sure to pay attention to the production date of the visiting product and the recommended storage period.
  • Qualitative characteristics. If there is an opportunity, taste the oil before purchase: Ideally, its consistency should be in the measure of thick and duct, the aroma is sweetish-nut, and the color is saturated.

In the intervals between therapeutic courses, use pumpkin oil for cooking spicy sauces and original gas stations for vegetable salads and second dishes. The only thing is not recommended to use it for roasting products - during thermal processing it acquires an unpleasant taste and loses the lion's share of valuables.

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