How to take turmeric

How to take turmeric

Turmeric, which is different in a different turmeric or Indian saffron, belongs to the family of ginger and is quite common seasoning. In addition, it is known for its bitter-spicy aroma, yellow-orange and miraculous properties. But in order to achieve a certain result, you need to know how to make turmeric.

Kurkuma got to Europe in the Middle Ages, thanks to the Arab merchants and perfectly stuck since then. And not enough. In the composition of the roots and leaves, many essential oils were found, group vitamins B, C, K. In addition, it is rich in calcium and iron, contains phosphorus. It also detected iodine.

Briefly list the beneficial properties of turmeric:

  1. Even in Industan, the turmeric fastened the glory of a great agent for cleansing the body, improving the intestinal flora and digestion.
  2. The substance struggles with many ailments better than modern antibiotics, since no side effects were found.
  3. Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory, choleretic effect.
  4. It is considered a good helper with senile dementia.
  5. Positive affects the overall condition of the skin and cleans blood well.
  6. Used as an additive in drinks when weakness to normalize the metabolism and removal from cholesterol.
  7. Auxiliary with arthritis.
  8. Kurkuma will help if you are worried about migraine and gallstone disease.
  9. Indian saffron is able to restrain the development of tumors and leukemia in children, enhancing chemotherapy effect.
  10. Will help at bleeding, a also if w. you observed inflammation desen.
  11. Turmeric in the form of pasta contributes to the healing of burns and inflammatory formations on the skin.
  12. If you mix the turmeric powder with warm milk, it will turn out to cure the sore throat and get rid of cough.
  13. Natural medicine fighting with pain in the joints.
  14. Known with its antidepressant properties.

To speed up the process of weight loss, it is recommended to take a turmeric who accelerates the metabolism in the body and fat burning. It is a choleretic stimulant, and bile in turn increases metabolism. With such a goal, use the turmeric as a spice when cooking.

As a spice, turmeric is used with food. It is useful to know that the turmeric is able to prolong the safety of the products, increasing their expiration date. Thanks to the unique burning taste, it is used in the process of preparation of various kinds of sauces, for example, mustard, marinades, fish, meat and vegetable dishes, omelets and soups, liqueurs and other drinks, as well as with welded boiled eggs.

To combat various ailments, turmeric is accepted like this:

  • If you are worried about the disease of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with a chair, pain in the joints, then take a powder 1-2 times a day before meals. Put enough water - approximately one glass. You can also dissolve the substance in the water, adding honey there.
  • Mix around a 0.5 teaspoon spice and salt by adding a glass of water to fight coughing, removing mucus, getting rid of sore throat and the treatment of gum inflammation.
  • Orz, runny nose, sinusitis is treated with washing the nasopharynx with a salt water in which turmeric is diluted. Use 0.5 h. L. Powder and 1 tsp. Salt. Waters take 400 g, it is better warm.
  • To treat burns, mix aloe juice and indian saffron. As a result, there should be a lot of things that has thick consistency apply her on the stricken plot. skin.
  • In diabetes mellitus to normalize the level of sugar, 1 tablet mummy must be taken, complementing it 500 mg of turmeric.
  • If you suffer anemia, then you should take a quarter of a year. L. Seasonings, add honey, increasing the amount of active substance up to 0.5 teaspoon.
  • With such an age, like vitiligo, it is recommended to prepare special oil. Send 250 g of turmeric to water tank (4 l), wait 8 hours, evaporating after half the liquid. Then you need to add mustard oil, boiling after that. Oil take 300 mg.. The medicinal mixture is stored in a dark bottle and applied a couple of times a day.
  • If you are concerned about eye inflammation, prepare such a tool. Boil water by adding 2 h. turmeric.
  • For the prevention of arthritis, honey, turmeric and ginger are mixed, each ingredient is taken in equal proportions. Take on the floor of a teaspoon, 2 times a day.

When taking turmeric, it is important to remember about contraindications:

  1. If you have stones in the bustling bubble, then it is not recommended.
  2. Forget about this substance during pregnancy, as it can stimulate uterine cuts.
  3. You can not use Turmeric children up to 3 years.

When receiving other drugs, it is necessary to consult a doctor with a doctor to avoid negative side effects. Starting treatment should be used with small doses, as you can provoke an allergy.

To manifest the best properties of turmeric, it is recommended to take powder regularly.

Comments leave a comment
svetlana. 14/02/2017 at 12:42.

Doctors, traditional medicine did not study that they could advise?!


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