How to take a batching fat

How to take a batching fat

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, light, cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as to strengthen the immunity and restore forces after severe infectious diseases of the grooming fat, adults and children from 13 years are recommended to take 1 dessert spoon twice a day per hour before meals, babies from 3 to 6 years - half a teaspoon, and children from 6 to 13 - in full. Before use, the batching fat needs to be melt, and to get rid of the unpleasant smell and improve taste - mix with honey, milk or jam.

On the healing properties of this unique substance, a few more centuries ago were known ago. The first to use Siberian hunters began to use it. With the help of fat, they treated wounds and burns, and also defended themselves from junior frosts and piercing winds. Later, Russian Lekari was appointed "Barcuccia Drug" to restore the health, the return of the male strength and the prevention of tuberculosis.

Natural product is a light fat with a specific smell. Changing color or taste indicates its fake.

The most valuable is the fat, mined before a long five-month hibernate badger. It contains all the trace elements and vitamins of group B, vitamin A, E, K, as well as very useful omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 acids.

Barxious fat stops inflammatory processes, restores protein and fat exchange, contributes to the production of hemoglobin, and also makes the body resistant to most infectious and viral diseases. Doctors note the beneficial effects of this substance on the skin and mucous membranes of internal organs. In addition, a number of therapeutic properties of this drug were noted:

  1. Strengthening vessels and heart muscles;
  2. Getting rid of thrombophlebitis;
  3. Improved hormonal background.

The use of batchuchea fat is shown in such states:

  • disease internal organs;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary and urogenital system;
  • pathology of the throat-nose;
  • damage to the skin;
  • reducing immunity;
  • decline for forces, anorexia, anemia, dystrophy;
  • inflammation of voice ligaments.

This substance is widely used in cosmetology. Creams and balsams made on the basis of plaque fat, give the skin elasticity, elasticity, and also contribute to the smoothing of wrinkles and improve the complexion of the face. Apply these funds is better in winter, since it is in this period that the skin most needs food and protection.

There are many recipes for batchuchea fat. Consider the most common. So, for the treatment of tuberculosis you will need such ingredients:

  • kashitz from a dozen lemons;
  • blended eggs - 8-10 pcs;
  • paul liters of brandy or alcohol;
  • litter Barcuch Fat and the same Honey.

The order of cooking the tincture is as follows: Grind lemon along with the skin, add other components and mix everything thoroughly, we take the drug for a third of a glass three times a day. A remedy for colds for children is prepared in this way: mix a hundred grams of fat with the same amount of honey, add citrus and dried to taste, give children three times a day before meals.

Despite the beneficial properties, the burshing fat has a range of contraindications: obesity, diabetes, age up to 3 years, pregnancy and breastfeeding, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, obstruction of the stomach and intestines, diseases of biliary tract.

Therefore, before the start of reception of this fund, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination and consult with your doctor.

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