Bee pollen - beneficial properties, how to take

Bee pollen - beneficial properties, how to take

Bee pollen (rang) is one of the few, but very valuable beekeeping products. It serves as a source of energy and beneficial substances, therefore is justified to be considered a unique drug. What vitamins are contained in the bees fruit, which properties it possesses, and how to take it in health purposes - we will discuss these issues in more detail.

Chemical composition of bee pollen

The rank owns such a unique chemical composition that even honey will overtake the number of useful nutrients.

In its composition in large quantities, such substances are concentrated:

  • Vitamin set - all vitamins of group B, C, E, K, A, Biotin.
  • Mineral complex (total 28 components) - iodine, calcium, vanadium, chlorine, copper, cobalt, selenium and others.
  • Flavonoids and phenolocislots.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Phitogormons.
  • Phospholipids.
  • Amino acids.
  • Proteins.

Bee pollen: unique properties

The effect of pollen on the body is very diverse. Some properties of the ranks came to us from the ancient healers, and many are openly open by scientists worldwide.

It is simply impossible to overestimate and fully accelerate the entire list of useful qualities, but among the most valuable properties you can select the following:

  • Promotes the restoration of the energy balance.
  • Improves the state of the cardiovascular system.
  • Serves absorbent toxins and harmful microorganisms.
  • Restores liver performance.
  • Beneficially affects digestion.
  • Increases hemoglobin levels and treats anemia.
  • Effective with endocrinological diseases, including diabetes and adenoma of the thyroid.
  • Restores psycho-emotional background and helps to get rid of neurasthenia.
  • Pollen facilitates the state with a hangover syndrome.
  • Reduces the dependence on nicotine and strong alcohol.
  • When adding to homemade creams and masks rejuvenates the skin.
  • Disinfects the urinary paths when inflammation.

How to take bee pollen at home

To achieve maximum benefit from adding pollen, you should adhere to several treatment rules with its participation:

  • Buy the rank only in proven beekeepers that sell a quality product.
  • Pollen in preventive and health care purposes is accepted once in a day 1 teaspoon. To enhance the effect it is worth combining pollen with honey in a ratio of 1: 1, then slowly dissolve in the mouth.
  • Use the product is needed half an hour before eating or drinking.
  • The course of therapy varies from the severity of the disease and can last from two weeks to the month.
  • In chronic diseases, treatment is carried out for about a year with short-term interruptions.
  • Since the rank strongly tones the body, it is better to use it in the morning.
  • For the prevention of avitaminosis, you can drink pollen every season for 4 weeks.
  • The maximum daily dose of pollen - 5, its excess can lead to hypervitaminosis and even poisoning.

When pollen bee contraindicated

Refuse therapy products of beekeeping should people with such diseases:

  • Allergy to honey.
  • Blood coagulation disorders.
  • Template to uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding.
  • Heavy form diabetes.

Thanks to the reception of bee pollen, you can strengthen the immunity, improve the appearance and cure many diseases. But before starting treatment, be sure to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to beekeeping products and strictly follow the recommended dosage.

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