Rasub - Medical Properties, how to take

Rasub - Medical Properties, how to take

Raslabo - a unique product of the bee cycling. As well as honey, this substance is extremely useful when it comes to human health. Being a natural antibiotic, the Rasload has powerful healing properties. How this substance acts and how to take it, we will now find out.

Radru - where do medicine

Commier is called adhesive mass, which bees are used as covers for the blockage of honey cells. When the distillation time of honey is suitable, these caps are cut. Thanks to the pronounced disinfecting effect of the intake honey, melted under it, always fresh.

Radru - Composition of matter

Numerous biologically active components, vitamins and antioxidants in the composition of the intake turn it into a natural medicine for the effective treatment of various pathologies with which each of us faces from time to time.

The utility is formed from a combination of honey, wax, propolis, bee bread, pollen and substances that produce salivary glands bees. The energy value of each of these components is invaluable, so their union turns in a truly amazing and universal medicine.

Radru - therapeutic effect

Consider what impact is the natural medicine on the human body. So, the ranging:

  • stimulates blood circulation and improves metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune forces of the body;
  • contributes to a speedy recovery in infections, respiratory diseases and influenza;
  • used by traditional medicine for the treatment of bronchitis, runny nose, sinusitis, stomatitis, throat infections, oral cavity and nose;
  • leads to the work of the organs of the digestive system;
  • stimulates the release of gastric juice;
  • it has a positive effect on motility and intestinal microflora;
  • it is an excellent preventive tool on the eve of seasonal diseases.

Radru - how to apply a substance

Treatment by the Union is simple and pleasant to taste - the substance needs to chew a certain amount of time so that all its valuable components get into the body through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and saliva. As a result, a hard wax lump remains in the mouth, which is spoiled. It is not scary if a certain amount of intake in the process of chewing will fall into the stomach.

For up to 1 year, such a medicine is contraindicated, kids who are still difficult to understand that this "chewing" is not necessary, the Rasub is not worth given. Older children give 1 tsp. Zavrusa 1 - 2 times a day as the prevention of colds and viral diseases.

The maximum daily dose of the intake for an adult is 3 tbsp. l. in a day. 1 Portion of the substance chew an average of 5 to 10 minutes. The duration of treatment is 1 month.

Raspar - useful recipes

In folk medicine there are many recipes based on the abrasion. Here is some of them:

  • to strengthen the protective forces of the body, they chew 1 tsp. substances 3 times a day for 10 minutes;
  • to eliminate the usual runny nose and sinusitis, they begin to be treated as early as possible - chew each. Substances every 2 hours during the day. Well-being improved on the second day of treatment;
  • to remove a dark flare with the enamel of the teeth, strengthen the teeth, to disinfect the oral cavity and reduce the sensitivity of weak gums, the unique beekeeping product is chewed in the morning and in the evening of 1 h. 5 minutes. The same treatment scheme is effective in stomatitis;
  • to remove inflammation in the joints, a small amount of intake is applied to the fabric and applied to a sore place for several hours. Various anti-inflammatory ointments based on the intake are also sold in pharmacies;
  • to protect yourself from cold and influenza in the cold season, the healing mass is chewed in 1 tbsp. l. twice a day for 1 month;
  • to remove toxins from the bronchi and the lungs, avid smokers are recommended to chew a range of 1. l. 3 - 4 times a day. It is also believed that the regular use of the intake reduces the dependence on nicotine.

No matter how attractive in terms of treatment it seemed to you the Rabbar, before the start of its use, ask what your attending doctor thinks about this. Be healthy!

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