Saffron, beneficial properties, how to take

Saffron, beneficial properties, how to take

Saffron - spice with oriental aroma and centuries-old history. Already, no one millennium, this plant is used by healing agents to cure patients and chefs to give exquisite raisins with their culinary creations. But scientists of the whole world assure that the process of studying the healing properties of Saffran is just beginning.

Useful properties of Saffran

Saffron is the dried and crushed stigs of the sowing saffron (crocus). In addition to pronounced aroma, it has a spicy, slightly bitter aftertaste. These qualities of saffron are used in cooking for staining and flavoring desserts and lyters, to enrich the task of sausage products, soups, meat and cheeses. In addition, Saffron acts as a preservative. But the primary role of Shafran in a person's life is the healing of various diseases and the extension of youth.

The limitless spectrum of the cofran useful substances is ensured by a large content of the useful substances. He is rich in potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, selenium. In addition, it has vitamins of group B, as well as vitamin A and C.

  • Saffron is very useful for heart work. High potassium content supports cardiac rhythm and full blood pumping.
  • It helps to reduce the frequency of angina attacks, lowers the pressure and cleans the vessels.
  • The spice raises the mood, reduces pain, tones and eliminate nervous disorders.
  • Saffron is effective in disruption of the menstrual cycle, moreover, having a beneficial effect on the urinary system due to antiseptic properties.
  • The plant prevents age-related changes in the retina and helps to preserve vision.
  • Saffron is an excellent aphrodisiac, and a fairly effective means of hangover.

Important! Saffron is contraindicated pregnant women, children under 2 years old and diabetics.

How to prepare infusion saffron

For the treatment of most diseases, a decoction based on saffron is used. You can cook it according to the following recipe:

  • Prepare 1 tsp. Dry saffron.
  • Fill a spice 200 mg of boiling water.
  • Let it stand for half an hour.
  • Perfect the infusion received and assign.

How and from what a saffron is accepted

With therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, the infusion is used for 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day before meals. But, some types of diseases provide external use as a compress.

  • With a cold. It is better to prepare a decoction of saffron for a couple, so it will turn out more concentrated. Take 6 st. l. On the day in three approaches.
  • Mastopathy. To remove inflammation and resilize the resorption of nodes should be applied to the compress with the sifrana shafflets together with residents.
  • With inflammation of the urogenital system, the infusion is taken inside. To enhance the effect in infusion, you can add daisies and cornflowers, taking all the components in equal parts. The mixture must be pouring 2 tbsp. Boiling water and take every 30 minutes throughout the day 1 tbsp. l.
  • To enhance libido. Saffron along with black pepper and fresh ginger is used as infusion.

Advice! Saffran essential oil can be used for aromatherapy with bronchitis, insomnia and to improve appetite.

Saffron is a unique plant that can give a lot of benefit if it is properly used.

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