Indian bow: Medical properties, tincture

Indian bow: Medical properties, tincture

Pushroom tailed - a decorative homemade plant, which is more often called the "Indian" or "Mongolian bow". He was most likely of his name because of the burning juice, which is sharply reminded by Indian spices. It is this juice and applied in folk medicine.

The pharmacological properties of the Indian Luke have so far studied quite a little. Surely it is known that this plant can provide a powerful pain relief effect. It consists of various active substances that stimulate blood circulation. That is why the plant is used in the treatment of patients with joints, with bruises, nurseries and other damage.

In folk medicine, the indian bowl juice is also used to eliminate headaches to mitigate the symptoms of colds and influenza. The plant acts quickly, but without regular use, the effect also goes back as quickly. Therefore, in the treatment of Indian bow, it is important to comply with regularity.

You should be attentive! Indian bow - poisonous plant. Therefore, it can be used exclusively externally. The use of even a small amount of this plant or drugs from it can entail poisoning. After external procedures, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

In traditional medicine, the juice of the Indian bow in the compresses, as well as decoction on its basis and tincture. In external procedures, tenderness and burning sensation at the place of exposure to the plant are felt. However, this should not be forced to discontinue treatment, on the contrary - after the unpleasant sensations fall, treatment must be resumed. Only then the therapeutic effect will be the maximum.

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With injuries, pains in the joints, radiculitis and other problems with the musculoskeletal system, the Indian bow is recommended to be applied as a compress. To do this, make a leaf from the plant and soda the sick place. After it, it is necessary to wrap a soft cloth and a warm scarf or scarf. The exposure time of this compression is no more than 3-4 minutes, otherwise you can get a burn.

If you suffer from acne or eczema, the Indian bow can also help. The plant needs to be confused and attached to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, after which - wrap a clean napkin. The duration of the procedure is about 4-5 minutes. If you are experiencing a strong burning, remove the compress a little earlier.

With sharp respiratory diseases, you can graze the whiskey juice juice, as well as breasts, forehead, location of lymph nodes. After such rubbing, it is necessary to turn into a warm scarf and cover the blanket.

Perfectly helps in the treatment of joints tincture of a bird processor. To do this, it is necessary to finely chop the green plants and pour with vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Leave the resulting mixture in a dark place for 14 days. At the expiration of this period, the tincture is constrained, and it is possible to rub the sore joints. Also, a tincture of Indian Luke has a therapeutic effect when gouging, radiculitis, deposition of salts, membranes and insect bite.

You can make a tincture and in another way. Drop the bulb of the plant and rinse it thoroughly. It needs to be chopped and pouring a glass of vodka. After that let's stand within a month. Ready to the tincture and store and store in the refrigerator.

Remember that the Indian bow is poisonous, so it is necessary to store drugs from it out of the reach of children, and it is also desirable to sign a container with tincture. Before treating people's ways, you will definitely consult with your attending physician.

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