Tincture calendula from acne how to cook

Tincture calendula from acne how to cook

The calendula tincture is inexpensive, but an effective tool that helps get rid of acne and acne. For treating problem skin, you can use a pharmacy tool or prepare a tincture yourself. How to do it, we will tell further.

Rhara-based tincture

The method of cooking tincture for fatty and sensitive skin is different. If you have a very sensitive and inclined to allergies, you can not use alcohol solution. Prepare a decoction of calendula colors. For this, two tablespoons of flowers pour a glass of steep boiling water and tomit on low heat for 10 minutes. Give the brave to cool and strain it. Now add two tablespoons of medical alcohol to the resulting liquid. Due to the small content of alcohol, such a tool does not dry the skin and actively stimulates the regeneration processes. Accordingly, you will be able not only to get rid of acne, but remove the black dots.

Tincture calendula from acne how to cook

Alcohol tincture

This tool is used to treat very oily skin, which you need to constantly dry. To prepare the tincture, pour the handful of dry colors of the calendula with two glasses of medical alcohol, 96% fortress. If this is for you very much, keep a certain proportion.

Tincture calendula from acne how to cook

On one part of plant raw materials you need to take five parts of alcohol. Mix all the ingredients in a glass jar and close it with a lid. Put the container in a dark place or clog it with a cloth. It is necessary that the tool insisters 7-10 days. After time expires, resolve the solution through the gauze and proceed to the vessel from the dark glass. Such infusion requires 2 times a day wipe acne, acne and black dots.

How to use calendula tincture acne

Usually, the tool is rarely used in its pure form. To care for the combined skin alcohol solution, it is necessary to dilute with boiled water. Mix in a bowl two spoons of tincture with 10 spoons of water. Soak with this solution of gauze or a vaccine and wipe the face.

Tincture calendula from acne how to cook

Excellent copes with black dots honey lotion. For its preparation, add 2 tablespoons of the alcoholic tincture of calendula to a glass of boiled or distilled water. Add 2 teaspoons of honey to this liquid. Wipe this fluid problem space. Due to the presence of honey in the composition of the lotion, regeneration processes are stimulated. This lotion can remove dark spots after hair rustling.

Tincture calendula from acne how to cook

Acne calendula ointment

Mix in a glass question 5 g of medical sulfur and 2 tablespoons of the alcohol tincture of calendula. To this liquid, pour the boring alcohol tablespoon and 2 tablespoons of salicylic alcohol. In another question, grind 4 levomycetin tablets into powder. Pull the antibiotic into the liquid and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture must be used to wip redness and acne.

This tool is called a bolt and applied point. To do this, moisten a cotton wand and treat all pimples and inflamed places. Keep in mind the means aggressive, so it is desirable to use only with oily skin. On sensitive areas, it is necessary to apply a diluted alcohol tincture. Tincture calendula from acne how to cook

Calendula - an orange flower that will give your skin health. The cost of the alcohol or water tincture of the calendula is small, so you will be able to save on the purchase of expensive creams and lotions.

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