Tea with Melissa how to cook

Tea with Melissa how to cook

Melissa is often confused with mint, but this is a completely different plant. Melissa has a thinner and delicate fragrance, and it is considered much more useful than ordinary mint. Plant This is mainly used to brew fragrant tea, but they can also adjust some health problems. And Melissa is widely used in cooking as a spice.

Whether you can eat Melissa

If you have grown in your homissue in the country or bought her grass on the market, then do not hurry to brew tea with it. Like any other plant, it has contraindications:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers in the aggravation stage;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • pregnancy - the second half;
  • liver failure.

Tea with Melissa is also not recommended to give children up to three years.

Useful properties Melissa

Melissa is very loved by doctors and recommend it to their patients in the form of tea and infusion. Grass has a strong soothing property. With its help you can treat convulsions, asthma, cordial muscle neurosis and strong headaches. She also restores the work of the gastrointestinal tract (eliminates colic and bloating), prevents vomiting, excites appetite. Drinking tea with Melissa overnight, you can not be afraid of insomnia, and if you drink tea in the afternoon - then the menstrual pain and pressure decrease. If there are no health problems, then the grass can be drunk just instead of ordinary tea or compote. Melissa for tea is suitable at least fresh, even dry. In the summer, it is better to prefer only to be broken from the bed, and for the winter it is necessary to prepare it by drying.

Tea with Melissa - Recipes

Drink can be prepared in different ways:

  1. Black tea with Melissa.Mix the tablespoon of black cava tea and a teaspoon of dry melissa. Fill the mixture with one glass of boiling water and, cover the teapot towel, insist for 15 minutes. Drink is good in the morning to charge energy for the whole day.
  2. Green tea with Melissa. In the teapot for welding, put two teaspoons of melissa and one - green tea. Insist the drink for 30 minutes. This tea is very delicious cold - it can be recommended during the summer heat.
  3. Tea with mint and melissa. Take in equal amounts two herbs. For one portion of tea, prepare 1 tablespoon of the mixture. Brew tea as usual. Tea is good as a soothing remedy - it is better to drink it overnight.
  4. Tea with chamomile, chamber and melissa. Brewed over 1 teaspoon of herbs and drink tea with the problems with the gastrointestinal tract. On a day you can drink up to three servings.
  5. Cold drink with Melissa. Handful of fresh Melissa Frost to a mortar with a slice of fresh lemon. Lay out the mass into the glass, add a tablespoon of honey, pour with water. This refreshing drink in summer it is quite possible to replace compote or juice.

Melissary tea is better to drink natural, i.e. without sugar. But if you are "sweet tooth" and do not enjoy a clean natural taste, drink tea with honey, berries or fruits.

Proper brewing tea

Any tea, with Melissa - no exception, you need to brew correctly:

  1. Throw the brewing kettle with boiling water.
  2. Pass into it prepared ingredients.
  3. Pour boiling water - take it only 1/3 of the amount of the quantity.
  4. Cover the brew towel.
  5. Five minutes later, the rest of the water.
  6. Insist the tea time specified in the recipe.

For brewing tea, take only filtered or spring water. Do not boil it for a long time - try to catch the moment when water just starts to throw, i.e. Its stratum permeats a lot of small white bubbles. This water boiling stage is called a "white key", and it is at this time that water can be poured into a boiler teapot with dry raw materials.

If you do not know how Melissa looks like, and on the market you are trying to sell other herbs under her type, remember: Melissa has a thin lemon smell. To accurately make sure the authenticity of the grass, take off the twig with one green leaf and scroll it between your fingers. The lemon smelled - boldly buy and drink fragrant and delicious tea with Melissa.

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