How to cook rosehip infusion

How to cook rosehip infusion

Rosehip infusion is very useful for colds, vitamin deficiency and digestive problems. Regular use of this drink strengthens the immunity, vascular system and reduces pressure.

For the preparation of useful infusion, it is very important to observe proportions. Each part of the dried rosehip requires ten parts of water. For example, on 4 tbsp. You will need one liter of boiled water. Before filling the berries with boiling water, pierce the fruits with a needle, put them in a thermos, pour boiled water and leave for seven hours. Take the infusion three times a day half a glass through a tube.

Rosehip is a dry

If you do not have a thermos, use a water bath. Take 1 tbsp. dried fruits, chop them well and pour two glasses of boiling water in enameled dishes. Cover the infusion with a lid and withstand it for 15 minutes in a boiling water bath. After that, he should stand for 30 minutes. Strain it and take half a glass twice a day before meals.

There is another way to make a rosehip infusion. With erysipelas of skin inflammation, the drink is brewed from rosehip petals. The infusion of rosehip flowers is used as lotions for sore eyes. It is also useful for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Take 100 g of flowers or rosehip leaves and boil them for one hour. If the flowers are pre -sprinkled with sugar, you get juice. Take it 1 tbsp. Half an hour before meals.

You can make an infusion of rosehip roots. It is very useful for hypertension and kidney stones. Take 1 tbsp. roots and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Put the drink on a small fire and keep it there for 15 minutes. When he is infused, strain him. It is recommended to keep the infusion of roots in a thermos or wrapped dishes, since it is taken only in warm form.

Rosehip infusion is very useful for children, but they often refuse to drink it. You can sweeten it a little and add pieces of other fruits. There is a good recipe. Wash the rosehip berries well, chop them and fill them into a thermos. Add there 1 tbsp. Raisins, dried fruits and sugar. Pour boiled water into a thermos and keep the berries there for 7-8 hours. If you want the child to calm down and fall asleep quickly, give him the infusion before bedtime.

The 15 berries contain a daily dose of vitamin C, so do not get very carried away by this drink. Periodically conduct short courses. In this case, rosehip will have a good effect on the body and will not harm it.

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