How to brew a hawthorn

How to brew a hawthorn

Hawthorn is widely used in folk medicine. At the same time, all parts of this plant are used: flowers, fruits, bark and leaves. There are many recipes for the preparation of hawthorn preparations at home. Today we will tell about how to brew a hawthorn and at what diseases this healing drink will help.

First of all, pay attention to the fact that it is better to use a brewed hawthorn. Those. Do not prepare useful tea for a few days ahead, and then store it in the refrigerator. Also, only well dried raw materials suitable for welding, in which the useful substances are in a more concentrated form than in fresh colors or fruits. If you have a hawthorn bush in your country or in the neighboring forest, then in May-June, collect his flowers and dry on the electric dryer or in the shade under the canopy. In August-September, having hated red berries with a bush and dry them. Dry fruits and brewing flowers can also be bought in any phyto-pharmacy.

The boiled hawthorn flowers are used to treat various cardiovascular diseases: arrhythmia, vegetative-vascular disorders, insufficient blood circulation, cardioneurosis.

Brew the dry flowers of the hawthorn so:

  1. Put 3 tbsp in the liter bank. Dry flowers.
  2. Fill their three glasses of boiling water.
  3. Blank the can with a lid and wrap a terry towel.
  4. Wait until the infusion in the bank completely cools.
  5. Straighten it through fine sieve and container with a brewed hawthorn. Put in a closed kitchen cabinet.
  6. Take an infusion 3 times a day, regardless of meals.

The fruits of the hawthorn are used to treat the same cardiovascular diseases and they help well with light neurosis, excessive excitability and insomnia.

Dried fruits brew thus:

  1. In the bucket, pour one glass of water and bring it to a boil.
  2. Throw 20 g of a hawthorn berries in boiling water (approximately 1.5-2 tbsp).
  3. Cook the fruits at least 15 minutes.
  4. Give the champ completely cool, and then write it.
  5. Pour the decoction into the glass and pour it cold boiled water to the level of full glass.
  6. Take a decoction from the fruit of 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Instead of boiling fruits in water, the decoction can be prepared in the usual thermos:

  1. Two handfuls of the hawthorn pour into a liter thermos.
  2. Fill the hawthorn with steep boiling water and close the lid.
  3. After 3 hours, the warm infusion is strain and let it cool completely.
  4. Take 0.5 glasses 3 times in time.

Such a decoction is used to normalize the pressure and removal of the nervous voltage.

The decoction of dry fruits of the hawthorn has a special specific taste that not everyone likes. Then, if you are going to brew a hawthorn as a sleeping pills, mix it with dry berries of raspberries, rosehip, strawberries, black currant:

  1. Take two handfulness of dry berries (just take the row).
  2. Hawthorn and rosehip grind into the mortar.
  3. Practice dry ingredients into a thermos and fill with a liter of hot water.
  4. Before the very sleepy infusion, strain and drink it warm in the amount of one cup.

Whatever the method you brew a hawthorn and what health problems would not get to solve, be sure to consult a doctor. It is possible that you need more qualified treatment, for example, if you have frequent arrhythmias or very high pressure. In this case, one hawthorn can not do, but as an additional means you can use it.

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