How to take vitamin E during pregnancy

How to take vitamin E during pregnancy

Vitamin E is a necessary substance that participates in metabolic processes. This vitamin is almost always prescribed pregnant women, as it favorably affects the mucous membrane of the uterus and contributes to the normal attachment of the fruit egg. In this article we will tell how to take tocopherol during pregnancy.

Purpose Vitamin E in an interesting position

If you are able to provide your body and the future child with this substance in the composition of food products, then drink capsules is optional. This vitamin must be taken as soon as you have learned about your position and up to 12-15 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that all organs and systems of the fetus occur. Therefore, after you see two cherished stripes on the dough, go to the doctor. Now vitamin E is prescribed in capsules and folic acid in the first trimester.

How to take vitamin E during pregnancy

Most often, the woman for the first months can torment toxicosis, so many fine sex representatives eat unbalanced, and what will happen. So, ensure your and children's body with vitamins will not be able, that's why you need to take tocopherol in capsules.

How to take vitamin E during pregnancy

What dosage is needed

Usually, in the absence of pathologies, a pregnant woman has a daily rate of tocopherol is 400 mg. Now the pharmacy has vitamin E in capsules of different manufacturers, so the content of the substance in the tablet may differ. For example, Zentiva vitamin E has a dosage of 400 mg, and domestic preparations are 100 or 200 mg. Consider this during the acquisition of the drug in the pharmacy, perhaps cheap medicines for domestic production in the end will cost expensive, as you will need to drink 4 instead of 1 capsules.

How to take vitamin E during pregnancy

It is worth noting that the tocopherol can accumulate in fatty tissues. Therefore, it is impossible to abuse them, accordingly, take 1000 mg per day not needed. Such a dosage is prescribed in case of detection of fetal development defects or with a thin mucous mucous. Therefore, if you are absolutely healthy, then you do not need to increase the dose.

How to take vitamin E during pregnancy

Vitamin E is assigned to preventive purposes in order to avoid serious pathologies from the fetus. In terms of its action, this vitamin is similar to progesterone, which prevents spontaneous miscarriage. He also normalizes the hormonal background and stimulates the production of prolactin. It was he who in the future will allow you to feed the baby to the breast.

With a shortage of vitamin E, a child may be observed for the respiratory system. In addition, the pregnant woman simply does not endure the baby due to the weakness of the fibers of the uterus. A fetal egg will not be able to normally attached to the organ with very thin walls.

How to take vitamin E during pregnancy

Do I need to take vitamin E in the second trimester of pregnancy

No, since all the foundations for future bodies are already available. Your child can only grow and gain strength in the tummy. Therefore, in the second trimester, the tocopherol is not appointed. Keep in mind, this drug cannot be taken together with iron. Therefore, if you have anemia, and the doctor prescribed a maltor or another iron drug, take it 8 hours after drinking tocopherol. Do not break the reception of vitamin E several times. You will have to have a drink at once all the daily dose so that in the evening to take the drug iron.

How to take vitamin E during pregnancy

You do not need to drink some drugs and vitamins during pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medicine. After all, in the first trimester, it is very important not to harm the fetus, since all organs and systems are forming.

Comments leave a comment
Love 26/04/2021 at 12:36.

Any vitamins for pregnant women must be taken from the approval of the doctor. Do not think that vitamins are good. They can harm.

To answer
Pauline 29/04/2021 at 10:54.

Yes that's right! I have never been engaged in amateur, any pill was with the permission of a doctor. In the first trimester of vitamins there was a lot, the pills all day can be said. In the second, the doctor suggested switching to an innovative product - Biotelfoff Biotelfoff bars. With excellent composition, the product, plus probiotic for better assimilation of vitamins, I am satisfied like an elephant. We eat one tasty bar per day and the question via vitamins is closed!

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