Echinacea during pregnancy

Echinacea during pregnancy

Echinacea is a real compartler of useful trace elements, vitamins, flavonoids, essential oils, polysaccharides. It is prescribed as an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory agent. Is it suitable for echinacea for pregnant women? This article is devoted to this issue.

A pregnant woman has immunity reduced. Reasons are clear: the body is rebuilt, the child takes a lot of nutrients. And besides, it turns out that high immunity is simply dangerous for the child, because it is he who at the beginning of pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage, having adopted an embryo for a threatening body an object. But for the most future mother, any infections are dangerous during this period. Synthetic immunostimulants and immunomodulators to a woman waiting for a child, can not be categorically taken. Help can phytotherapy.

Regarding the reception of Echinacea during pregnancy, there are different opinions: some say that it is impossible, others are very recommended. If you look at the question from the point of view that at the beginning of pregnancy, the baby forms the basic vital organs, to eliminate the possible risk, it is better to abandon such a way to increase the tone of their body.

In the study, which was conducted by scientists, for the influence of Echinacea's admission to the body of a pregnant woman and a child, no serious consequences were revealed. In any case, take or not take medicines based on echinacea pregnant, must decide the doctor. Only he can prescribe treatment with this drug with inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous patient or with colds.

If the doctor allowed to eat echinacea, then it is better to cook tea, decoctions or infusions from it. In pharmacies there is a tincture of Echinacea, but she is on an alcohol basis, which means a pregnant woman is contraindicated. Do not fit the injections, because We threaten the failure in the development of the baby's immune system. It will not work out his own immunity and will subsequently will be completely defenseless before disease. So it is better when this natural process proceeds independently. When you still have a drink from Echinacea, then do not take them more than 10 days.

There are echinacea and pills. The basis for their manufacture is the juice of Echinacea Purple. Take these tablets to increase the body's resistance to bacterial, viral and fungal attacks. They are effective in acute respiratory diseases, chronic infections, diseases of the internal organs. And the drug contributes to the best production of blood taurus. It is categorically impossible to take them if the specialist is prescribed drugs that overwhelm immunity. Although pills and more convenient to drink than tea and tincture, because No preparations are required, but it's still not to get involved in them.


Let's summarize: in the fact that Echinacea is a valuable medicinal plant, no doubt. But the substances contained in this flower are biologically active, so they can bring both benefits and harm. Take Echinacea it is reasonable: not to appoint it for yourself on your own, and first consult a doctor. Especially carefully consider this issue if you are pregnant, because you have to worry not only about yourself, but also about the future little man.

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