How to deal with heartburn during pregnancy

How to deal with heartburn during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is experiencing many new sensations, and not all of them are pleasant. The joy of the child's waiting can overshadow such an annoying phenomenon as heartburn. This is a fairly common condition after the 24th week of fetal development.

To minimize the emergence of heartburn, you need to understand the nature of its appearance. The unpleasant feeling behind the sternum appear when the gastric juice is thrown out of the stomach in the esophagus. The mucosa of the esophagus has a neutral environment, with contact with aggressive gastric juice there are irritation and inflammation, called in the people heartburn.


The fruit grows, and increasing in the sizes of the uterus squeezes the stomach more and more stronger, asking him a vertical position. This contributes to an easier gastric acid in the esophagus. The most common actions can provoke such a nuisance:

  • binge eating;
  • slopes;
  • singing.

Try not to provoke heartburn:

  • Eat often and small portions.
  • Refuse to dishes that stimulate increased production of gastric juice: fried, greasy, sharp, pickled, smoked. Exclude carbonated drinks, coffee, chocolate from the diet.
  • Eat mainly products with an alkaline medium - low-fat meat, dairy products, eggs sick, vegetables in fresh or boiled form.
  • Fruits can provoke heartburn. It is better to use them in baked form.
  • Eat products with a laxative action - boiled beets, kuragu, prunes. Popps often accompany pregnancy, and the situation can contribute to the appearance of heartburn.
  • After eating, do not lie right away, at least half an hour are in a vertical position.
  • During rest and sleep, it is possible to arrange the upper part of the torso in a slightly raised state.
  • Do not lean when exercising. Use shovels for shoes with long handles or ask your home to help you.
  • Do not lift heavy items, bags.
  • When physical education, do not perform slopes and exercises to the press. Follow the posture - the stuff contributes to the wrong position of the stomach.
  • Do not wear squeezing clothes.

To eliminate the symptoms of heartburn, you can use drugs from the Antacid group - Maalox, Renny, Almagel, Gastal. Before use, be sure to consult your attending physician. A large amount of magnesium in such funds may affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, their regular use is undesirable. In addition, all these drugs have a serious side effect - they provoke constipation.

Many pregnant women prefer to deal with heartburn by folk methods. In this case, it is also necessary to consult with the doctor, because even ordinary products can be contraindicated in a particular case. Soften the manifestation of heartburn help:

  • milk;
  • almond;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • raw carrots;
  • mineral water;
  • tea with mint;
  • mint chewing;
  • tincture heather, rhizomes of Aira, gold male.

If you have heartburn, do not fall into panic. Heartborn delivers certain inconveniences, but by itself the influence on the development of the child does not have.

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