Toxicosis during pregnancy, how to get rid of

Toxicosis during pregnancy, how to get rid of

Toxicosis during pregnancy occurs against the background of hormonal changes. So The woman's body responds to stress. Remove the symptoms of toxicosis is easy. The main thing - stick to defined Lifestyle and avoid provoking factors.


Adhere to a balanced diet. Avoid or restrict consumption heavy Products such as:

  • bread and other baking;
  • fast food;
  • roasted meat and potatoes;
  • pasta in large quantities;
  • confectionery;
  • fatty soups and podlis;
  • vareniki;
  • sausages;
  • smoke;
  • mayonnaise.

Try to cook dishes For a couple or stew in a slow cooker. Eat products with the maximum content of vitamins: it elders Inxication and "feed" your body necessary for him and baby vitamins.


Always carry with you a small bottle of a comfortable drink. In summer it can be non-alcoholic mochito or cooled Tea with lemon juice. In the cold season, drink vitaminized teas: raspberry, chamomile, fennelhelev, mint. It is very useful to drink a hamberry decoction or a compote from dried fruits. When you want simple water - drink ordinary filtered or mineral without gases. If nausea does not pass, take a glass of strongly carbonated water and squeeze a quarter lemon there. Drink slowly, small sip.


The main cause of toxicosis is a disadvantage in the body of the necessary vitamins. During pregnancy, the gynecologist will prescribe to you folic acid, " Magne V6 "and" Prognavit" Be sure to offer this complex of vitamins - it is useful not only for pregnancy, but also to restore internal processes in the body. For example, " Magne V6 "not only saturate magnesium cells, but also reduce irritability, fatigue and increase sleep quality.

Walking and Fresh Air

Try to spend a lot of time on the street. If you do not feel fatigue, avoid trips in transport. Stroll a few quarters on foot, if the weather has (Nezarko, not cold, does not blow a shrill wind). At work or studies Sit down near the open window, if possible.


This is the first provocation factor. It is the smells that cause pregnant women nausea and vomiting. Avoid places where big probability Faced with bright saturated smells: supermarkets, summer cafes for smokers, cluster of people, public toilets, meat and fish pavilions markets - there is always an unbearable smell. Also an irritant may be your kitchen or refrigerator. Ask close relatives to wash fridge and seal all food products film Or cover with a dense lid.


Perhaps you did not notice, but close clothes enhances the manifestation of toxicosis. Tight bras and sweatshirts squeeze the chest, causing party and heavy breath. It seems that little space is hard to breathe, dizziness and panic begins. Wear light, free and weightless clothing, and you will feel comfortable.


Despite the fact that doctors recommend spending more time in motion, in the first trimester, it is not necessary for pregnant women. Rest, get enough sleep, watch TV or read lying On the sofa - in the first trimester it is useful. Follow your desires and intuition: I wanted - sleep, no - dance. The main thing is that it brings you joy and pleasure.

Toxicosis accompanies pregnancy until the 20th week, but there are exceptions. Evaluate the degree of toxicosis. If vomiting does not stop, the weight loss takes place, the sleep is disturbed, pregnancy is accompanied by increased temperature and student The pulse is pathology, and it is necessary to urgently contact the hospital or cause emergency assistance.

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