How to determine pregnancy without dough

How to determine pregnancy without dough

Many girls wonder how to determine pregnancy without test. " There may be a lot of reasons for such a question, whether it is constant to buy a test in a pharmacy, or in the distance from the pharmacy. There are quite a lot of ways to determine pregnancy without dough, but they all do not give 100% probability, so do not rely on them completely.

Definition of pregnancy without test

Each woman at the first time of pregnancy feels some signs that are characteristic of all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to a greater or lesser extent. The main of them are:

  • a failure of the menstrual cycle or its complete absence, although it may be violated for other reasons, for example, due to the reception of drugs, stress, cutting climate change;
  • a frequent mood change, from laughter to tears can bring a minor trifle, and vice versa. Sometimes I want to break someone, shout.
  • increased chest sensitivity. During pregnancy, a woman can feel the severity in the chest, pain when touched, swelling;
  • vomiting and nausea, especially in the morning. It occurs on the 3-8 week of pregnancy, but may not appear, but also be a sign of infection or illness. Also often pregnant nausees from cleaning teeth and the slightest unpleasant odors;
  • elevated appetite or thrust for unusual dishes. Often, pregnant wants a salty or what they usually do not eat, and they also increase appetite. Probably, you often saw jokes about pregnant women and their passion for strange, and often not quite edible? So, this joke is only partly;
  • frequent urination can also be a sign of pregnancy, only if it is not accompanied by soreness and gravity in the stomach, then the disease of the urogenital system was likely;
  • heartburn is one of the secondary signs that accompanies many women from the earliest time of pregnancy.

If you have discovered 80% and more symptoms described, then the probability of pregnancy is very high, but it can also talk about any diseases.

Determination of pregnancy without dough using soda

In order to determine the pregnancy with soda, collect our urine in a clean capacity in the morning and add a spoonful of soda there. If it starts hissing, then there is no pregnancy, if there is no reaction and the soda just goes to the bottom, then the likelihood of pregnancy is high. But if you are a vegetarian, then this method is not suitable for you. Also confusing maybe the diseases of the kidneys and the urogenital system.

Determination of pregnancy without dough with iodine

This method has been using women all over the world for many decades. There are two ways to spend the test iodine:

  • a sheet of paper dropped in the morning urine is dropped with iodine, and look at the reaction. If the drop becomes blue or purple, it is likely that you are pregnant. If the color has not changed, then they do not have to expect children;
  • in the container with the morning urine to drop iodine, if the drop is immediately dissolved without a trace, then there is no pregnancy, but if it linger on the surface for a while, it is likely that you will soon become mom.

Determination of pregnancy without dough with pulsation

This method is rather inaccurate, and it comes rather from ancient belief, but many women note its accuracy.

To check the ligete on a flat surface, try to breathe as soon as possible. After that, find the distance of 7-8 centimeters above the navel and hold the two of their fingers there - if you feel the pulsation, that is, the probability of pregnancy.

Determination of pregnancy without dough

Often, pregnant women dream fish, and it always symbolizes pregnancy. There are also other dreams denoting a woman's pregnancy, since the body feels a change earlier than you.

All these methods for determining pregnancy are relative, and without carrying out real tests, it is impossible to talk about 100% pregnancy, but in extreme cases they can help.

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