How to determine the tone of the uterus

How to determine the tone of the uterus

Pregnancy forced eVERY woman track per own health more carefully. V this period extreme important not overnight mine organism superfluous physical loads, also follow to avoid stress situation. Otherwise tone matties not will cause myself for a long time wait, a it maybe nan harm state health kid.

occurrence tonus matties

Reasons for occurrence tonus maybe be huge a bunch of, starting out from natural, finishing caused. Thread not less, important sort out v cause occurrence hypertonus.

  • a lack of progesterone. All first trimester pregnancy yellow body must produce the hormone, but fromper development small his quantity, uterus located v tension, what and called tone.
  • Toxicosis. V cases, when toxicosis show myself extreme actively, maybe also arise tone matties. for instance, fromper chast and continuous vomiting  female forced strain makeup, a it provokes hypertonus.
  • Rhesusconflict. Happening, which the maybe call several self different difficulties at tooling child. Very important, to refusfactor mothers and kid were the same, otherwise can arise problems sO health w. togo and w. other. On the this happening specialists offer introduction special vaccines, that not will call rhesusconflict nan harm health mothers and fruit.
  • Availability infections or inflammation. Infectious diseases or what kindor inflammatory processes v pakhova region women also influence on the condition matties, that's why necessary track per own health much attentive.
  • Muffal stretching. Meet in time multiple pregnancy or tooling large fruit.


How on one's own define tone matties

Define hypertonus enough simply, need to simply carefully close to himself self-mention.

  • Night before 4 month pregnancy condition women maybe be it seems on the start menses. Notnice feel v nower parts belly, slightly given v region fucks.
  • WITH 5 on 9 month pregnancy besides pole v nower parts belly observed fossil, what is happening v flow several minutes. These signs more similar on the battle.
  • Also pregnant female maybe notice blood selection. V such. case recommended immediately call ambulance help and go v maternity hospital, in avoiding notpleasy consequences.

Medical diagnostics tonus matties

Hypertonus will be able on the touch define any skilled gynecologist. But, how rule, in time reception, doctor recommend check condition pregnant women with help ultrasonic research. Only method Ultrasound can control condition kid and matties in time tonus.

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