How to distinguish false contractions from real

How to distinguish false contractions from real

The meeting with the baby very soon, which means that the future mother probably began to be nervous. Women awaiting firstborn usually, Assist as a question "How to understand that the fights started and not to blink this moment?". With confidence, we can say that it is simply impossible not to notice the offensive.

In order not to ride on trifles in the maternity hospital, you need to understand that a few days-weeks before childbirth, the body of a pregnant woman begins to actively prepare for the generic process. Against the background of this, women are often confused by false contractions with real.

How to distinguish false struckstone-hick fights from real

False cuts in the uterus may arise at any week of pregnancy, even on the initial period. Training contractions are considered a kind of body preparation for childbirth, they contribute to the favorable ripening of the cervix. We can provoke training bouts in the following actions:

  • excessive body load (home affairs or sports lifestyle);
  • long stay of a woman under the hot shower or in a preheated bath;
  • kid hyperactivity;
  • frequent consumption of caffeine or firmly brewed tea;
  • depression;
  • frequent active sex sessions;
  • use of tobacco products or alcoholic beverages;
  • lethargy and lacking;
  • overflowing bladder;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • metabolic disease;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • consumption of carbonated drinks.

Training bouts can be both active and imperceptible. The symptoms of Brequeston Hicks are considered the following manifestations:

  • Fights are not regularly, it is impossible to calculate and predict their appearance.
  • Duration training fights Not more than a minute.
  • Reduction of the uterus.
  • Lack of painful sensations, a feeling of minor discomfort.
  • Manifest in the calm state of a pregnant woman.
  • With the use of the medical preparation " But-shp."Training fights disappear.

How to distinguish false contractions from the onset of generic activities

Before the offensive Labor activity The future mother can observe peculiar forerunners. As a rule, hints at the emergence of labor begin 1-2 weeks before delivery. It is worth understanding that each woman has harbingers manifest and felt individually.

  • Suggested belly. Such a phenomenon is considered to be second breathing for the future mother. So they say, because the fetus gradually falls and pulls the uterus. From this woman ceases to experience painful sensations in the ribs area and dishes lips, ceases torture heartburn. However, moving and sitting becomes much more difficult.
  • Testing the plug. The plug is a plump of mucus, often with streaks of blood, which goes immediately before the onset of generic activity. She can move both at a time and for several days little. TO aC Rule It is always noticeable, although some women are departed at the moment of urination. This is a painless process, sometimes can be accompanied by pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen.
  • Weight loss. For a couple of days or a day before the start of childbirth, a woman can suddenly lose 1-2 kg. This means that the body of the future mother is actively preparing for childbirth, freeing himself from excess fluid.
  • Constipation or diarrhea. Due to the fact that the kid presses on the rectum and the bladder, can occur frequent urination, diarrhea or constipation. Each organism has a reaction to the natural process of individual.
  • Change the behavior of the fetus. Before the beginning Single activity The child can sink or vice versa, behave extremely actively. This is a normal phenomenon, as the baby is also preparing to meet with mom.

It is quite simple to understand that the generic activity has come quite simply. There are several signs that your meeting with the child is about to come and it's time to go to the hospital:

  • The departure of the oily water is indicated that childbirth can begin from minute to minute.
  • Sudden lump-sum pain at the bottom of the abdomen and lower back are fights. Follow the frequency if it seizes every 5-10 minutes and their duration increases, then boldly call ambulance and go to the maternity hospital.
  • The revelation of the cervix is \u200b\u200bthe direct indicator that the baby is already on the way. Pregnant woman This process independently does not have the ability to observe the neck obstetrician gynecologist.
  • Significant pressure in the area of \u200b\u200bthe vagina or pelvis means that the fruit has already begun to move along the generic paths and from minute to minute you will see.

It is not difficult to determine the beginning of the generic activity. Each woman will definitely feel the ambulance of the long-awaited meeting with his child.

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