How to recognize fights

How to recognize fights

Many women are alarming await the beginning of childbirth, especially if they are the first. How to recognize the harbingers of the beginning of the battle, because all of them start differently? Do not miss the right moment and prepare for the long-awaited event, our article will help you!

How to recognize bouts - forerunners

A woman should prepare for such an important and significant event as childbirth. Noticing the very first signs, you should not be frightened, but to gain strength and enjoy a long-awaited meeting with your baby.

  • In 36-37 weeks, pregnant women lowered the belly - this sign indicates that the fetus head presses to the entrance to the mother's vagina. Often, the stomach is lowered for 3-4 days from primary women, and when repeated childbirth may fall only at the first fights.
  • Your favorite child will tell you with his movements that soon you will meet - the baby begins to rarely show activity, you may not feel the impetus to 8 hours.
  • For a week or a few days before the conversion of the neck of the uterus, push the mucosa tube, which kept it during the whole period of the baby tool. It can be bright or brown, in an approximate amount - 1-2 tablespoons. If the plug has moved, but the woman does not bother nothing, you can continue the usual way of life.

How to recognize false bouts

Most often, women are confusing real contractions with training, which denote small belly spasms. Training fights when the end of the end of pregnancy is strengthened, and the woman can feel more and more. Feeling such symptoms should listen to your body - whether the continuation of the pain at the bottom of the abdomen and decreases li gap between nimi.

  • There may be a petition and a sense of cutting uterus, a duration of not more than 10-15 seconds.
  • The most important difference between false fights from the real - they do not bring the inconvenience of a pregnant woman, some pregnant take them even as a tone of the uterus.
  • Thanks to training fights, the body is actively prepared for childbirth.
  • The interval between false fights does not decrease, they do not rise by strength and intensity.
  • If the drawing pain does not pass, you can take antispasmodics - "Nospa" or rectally candles "Papaverin".

How to recognize bouts before childbirth

True generic spasms not have nothing common with training fights. Female tested catching testing pain at the bottom belly and loin, that with eachdy hour will intensify.

  • initially pain come everyone 2030 minutes, with a duration of 15-30 seconds, then gap begins gradually decrease before 5-7 minutes.
  • When you have the first generic battle will begin, you need  throw out Duration spasms for 60 minutes.  Generic battle must continuenot less than 30-40 seconds, which is the main difference from false spasms.
  • Before as call v ambulance help or akushar-gynecologist Wait, when pain v stomach and back will be regular  or when w. you Estimation will occur okoloplodnyy  water. Self-breaking fruit bubble maybe occur v any moment. Water, how rule, pour out sharp stream, but also can onlittle leak, so how their hold up head child.
  • If whatthen similar occurs, means came time how can quicker call ambulance or get samim before motherland branches.
  • When the fight began, but water more not departed, you can to accept warm shower or slightly to eat.

How to recognize bout and easily transferring them

As soon as you realize that the fights started and soon you will see your baby, use our simple recommendations to not harm yourself and the child:

  • If you know that in a couple of minutes a new fight comes, think that this is not a whole minute of pain, but only four regular breaths and 4 exhalations.
  • To the anesthesia of the upcoming contractions, stand up with a reliable support in a semi-bent condition on the elbows, perform the swing movements to the pelvis back and fog, bending alternately legs in the knees.
  • To facilitate the tension and the pain in the spine, stand face to the wall and how to lie on it, stretching the hands up. Next, bend your feet in turn, like a bike, sagging to all the case.
  • During the next fight - sit on the edge of the chair so that the Copchik is at the very edge, go hands for the back of the chair behind. Feet slightly spread in a semi-bent condition. Try to relax as much as possible, swinging from side to side on a chair, the main thing in this exercise is to grow the sacrum about the edge of the chair.

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