How to understand that the belly dropped

How to understand that the belly dropped

Every day the belly of a pregnant woman is becoming more and more, in addition, it periodically changes his form, depending on the child's position in it. The ninth month of pregnancy is the period of preparing the baby by birth. During this time, the woman's body begins to change radically.

Almost every woman feels extremely excitedly throughout the final trimester. It becomes very sensitive, trying to notice even the most minor change in its body. True, not everyone can understand, at what point the belly dropped.

Closer to childbirth, the child changes its location and gradually moves below in the mother's womb. A woman is able to easily notice it, the fruit stops the whole force to put pressure on the lungs, thanks to this mother begins to feel the improvement of breathing.

A woman feels heaving during walking - this is explained by the fact that the female organism is rebuilt, and the woman directly feel pain in the pelvis area. Everything else, the woman literally torments constant urination. The child puts on the bladder, respectively, the mother constantly wants to the toilet, day and night.

In the last month of pregnancy, the woman disappears a permanent heartburn, because the uterus stops putting pressure on the stomach. In addition, at this time the body begins to produce progesterone, which is responsible for the readiness of the uterus to the child's birth process.

At the final stage of pregnancy, a change in the shape of the abdomen will be noticeably, it seems to be lowered down a bit.

Also, a pregnant woman can notice the decline in the activity of the baby, this is all because the places in the womb becomes much smaller and maximum than he can move, it is handles and legs.

You can also set the mark of the navel, for example on the wall, and then you will notice that your stomach gradually falls.

In fact, the body of each woman is individual, during pregnancy he behaves always in different ways. To find out if your belly dropped, you can also visit your doctor, when inspecting it will give more reliable and detailed information about your pregnancy.

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