How to understand what you change?

How to understand what you change?

Suspicion of treason can destroy even the strongest relationships. Sometimes jealousy, congenital suspicion or intuitive feeling becomes the cause of doubt. As a rule, a woman begins to make treason long before the appearance of obvious signs of cooling from a man. In order not to make a mistake in the conclusions, it is not necessary to immediately find out the relationships on elevated colors - calm down and analyze the situation.

Explicit or contrived signs of treason?

As a rule, most articles in women's magazines call 4 major signs of treason men:

  • Increased concern for its appearance.
  • Frequent business trips and overtime.
  • Telephone conversations with door closed.
  • Cooling and indifference in sexual relationships.

Do not give in typical thinking stereotypes. Even the presence of all these changes in the behavior of the partner does not confirm the treason at all.

Husband began paying more attention to his appearance

It gives a lot of time to hygiene, buys new clothes and underwear, although he used to do it all the same, which is wearing it.

It does not mean at all that everything is done for some other woman. Maybe with age or by virtue of changes to the views on life, a man wants to change something in himself. Perhaps he does it for the sake of you, noticing some cooling, or he is experiencing jealousy.

Another thing, if there is no relationship on the side yet, but the man is trying to attract the attention of some woman, then these signs can, indeed, talk about losing interest in you. In this case, you should review your behavior and role in relationships.

Husband is often delayed at work

Motivates its delays at work permanent avrals, meetings with clients or meetings. Frequent business trips and corporate events appeared in his chart.

It looks suspicious, but do not hurry with the conclusions. Perhaps a man is committed to financial stability and career development. Did he discuss with you a flexible schedule and possible overtime? Did he get an increase or was transferred to another position? Are these changes related to financial remuneration? In what mode does his colleagues work?

Only answering all these questions, you can evaluate the real picture of its workload at work and understand how sincere it is.

Your spouse constantly holds a mobile phone with you

During calls, it tries to retire - goes to another room or a balcony, in the bathroom, includes water.

You believe that he is talking to his mistress. But agree that it is stupid - to keep such conversations at home. If he wanted to call a woman, he would have done it in the car, on the street, at work, in the store, in a word, anywhere. If she calls him herself, he would rather show a desire to endure garbage than to talk in the toilet. This behavior is more connected with the reluctance of her husband to devote you to the details of problems at work, with friends or parents. Think Maybe you are too obsessively interfere with all aspects of his life?

More suspicious looks like a sudden desire to walk, make a jog or to pick up something from the car. Here at such moments conversations with another woman are more likely.

Husband began to pay less attention less

You notice cooling in sexual relationships. Pay attention to your own behavior. Maybe a man gets insufficient heat and tenderness? Perhaps you yourself stopped properly follow yourself and become for her husband ordinary and boring? It is possible that your husband is experiencing a crisis period of life, and a change in sexual behavior is associated with a psychological state.

As a rule, if a man appeared another woman, it stimulates his intimate life, makes certain nuances. In this case, the wives of sexual attraction, new ideas and the needs of a man are noticed.

Real facts treason

If you are firmly intended to catch a husband in treason, do not give out fantasies for reality, risking to destroy the marriage. Recommend only to reliable facts.

  • Personal hygiene. If your spouse, coming from work, immediately goes to the shower, maybe he wants to wash off the extraneous smells.
  • Lack of wedding ring. Your spouse stopped wearing a wedding ring, justifying the fact that "it became a little", "I'm afraid to lose", "stops working", etc.
  • Foreign objects. Your husband has a new shirt, an unusual lighter, a purse or tie, not accidentally selected. Perhaps this is a gift of mistress. Or you found in the car the decoration, lipstick, buttons are clear signs of the presence of another woman.
  • Attitude to the technique. Computer, tablet and mobile phone husband protects passwords, closes application windows as soon as you find yourself near.
  • Cash outflow. You notice significant spouse spending on uncertain goals. If he is not a player, it can mean the costs of the content of the mistress.
  • Strange in communication. Your husband avoids conversations on how the day has passed, or responds with too memorable phrases, sometimes confused in the answers and forgets the details told. It behaves quite indifferent to you, is not interested in your affairs, forgets about family dates, your tastes and habits.

Before you start a frank conversation with a man, make sure that your suspicions are reasonable and decide for yourself if you want to know the truth and are ready for the final discontinuity.

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