How to check whether a guy loves

How to check whether a guy loves

Some girls have doubts about the true feelings and intentions of their guys. No matter how sad it sounds, but if such thoughts appear, most likely, in relationships really have a problem. But not everything is so unequivocal. Consider the signs for which you can highlight a really loving person.

The most clear signs of real love are: manifestation of sincere interest, acquaintance with parents, care, protection, frequent joint time, as well as behavior and attitude. Each of these items have its own characteristics, so now we will look at them in more detail. At the end you will learn a proven and very effective way to check feelings for authenticity.

Think whether your boyfriend is interested in your life. If a person talks only about himself and is interested only in his opinion - he is definitely not interested in you or simply not configured seriously. How often does he call to ask how are you? How often asks how the day went? This is very important for a full relationship. A loving guy is always interested in the affairs of his beloved, he is aware of her past life, occurring events and plans for the future.

Acquaintance with parents is a good sign. If the guy introduced you to his parents, then he really plans a joint future with you. True, if there is not much time from the beginning of the relationship, there can be no question about any acquaintance. But if he introduces you with all friends, it is already a good sign. He introduces you to part of his world and understands that your friends can become joint.

The manifestation of real love is care and protection. Think whether the guy takes care of you and your health. Does he asks if you are cold when the street is windy? Was he near when you were bad? What did he do for you? Answers to these questions will help clarify the situation. Recall the moments when someone rustled you. Was your boyfriend for you? Be sure that the guy who loves his girlfriend will not create uncomfortable and uncomfortable situations for her.

If you spend a lot of time together, it is a very positive feature. When a person is in love, he should not spend anything to spend a few hours on the road to see his girlfriend. There are many pairs that began to meet at a considerable distance from each other, but even being in different countries, managed to preserve the relationship. Subsequently, it resulted in a strong and happy union.

Pay attention to how he behaves with you alone. How often does he look at you, touches, hugs? Does it feel in his behavior tenderness? It is important not to pass a stick, because there are men who do not know how to express their feelings. Also do not require attention to him when it works or busy his favorite hobby.

If your requests do not remain ignored, this is a sure sign that he really has feelings. Pay attention to your attitude. Do you care about your love? Often in relationships there is a cold because of the egoism of one or both of the person, so it is important that both walked for concessions.

If you need to urgently get clarity, go to extreme measures. A loving guy will not want to sacrifice the confidence of his girl for the sake of fleeting. Ask a pretty girlfriend to flirt a little with your guy. You can also check it with social networks. Just create a fake account, select a photo of a girl suitable for the tastes of your boyfriend, and try to tie a correspondence with him, and then smell. It is important that the page matches the present as possible. Place as many different records and photos as possible. A loving guy will respond to such attempts with polite refusal.

Perhaps the best advice is to trust your heart. If the guy loves a girl - she always feels it. If you still have doubts, do not torfer events. Soon you will receive answers to your questions, because it is always impossible to hide the truth. In any case, he will give himself his attitude.

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