How to meet a guy

How to meet a guy

How to get acquainted with the guys? This issue is given daily thousands of timid and shy girls. After all, so I want the first impression rendered on a young man to be only positive, without a share of farce, a tired naivety and excessive pressure. But excitement and shyness often playing against us. Therefore, every representative of the fine sex in any situation should be armed with delural, explanatory advice.

As it happened since ancient times, a man should make the first step. And women, waiting for manifestations of the male initiative, in the meantime, the years are incredibly losing. It's time to take care of your hands. After all, the female half of the population has an indisputable weapon in the struggle for attention - beauty, femininity and sexuality. Therefore, before you make a new acquaintance, it is worth leading yourself in full order: to sign up in the gym, make a couple of masks for the skin of the face, to put a manicure and shake your feet. This is not enough to perfection, but for starters enough.

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Next, you need to pay time hair. The thick, lush, well-groomed hair not only attracts the views of men, but also pushes them on the insane acts in the name of the beloved. The sequencing ends and the reversing roots do not give beauty at all. From these drawbacks it is necessary to get rid of. When washing the heads, use all sorts of masks, air conditioners and balms so that the hair has a beautiful shine and volume. No guy stands before such a luxury.

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Carefully select the outfit before each exit from home. It does not matter where you go to: to work, to the store, in the gym or any other place where your love can meet you, you must look at all time. If you are dressed at least a little extravagant than the situation requires the situation, male attention will not bypass you by the side. Avoid too frank, brutal or frivolous outfits. Such images are scared of decent guys, and attract only lovers of the principle of "one night".

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To get acquainted with a guy in the near future, the usual route of the house-work-house must be diversified by additional points. Start attending places where it is often a cluster of men: gym, driving courses, sports sections, sports bar, etc. Of course, you can find a young man in a nightclub, but such a meeting is unlikely to become the beginning of a long relationship. A certain proportion of frivolity is present in this kind of dating.

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If the search for the second half is worth the edge, for sure, it is better to change the work. Working in the team, where most employees and visitors are male individuals, you will probably get acquainted with a decent person much faster. So, an excellent place of work in this case will be a shop of men's clothing or alcohol, airport, business center, etc.

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A significant role is played by the method of attracting attention. If a young man appeared on the horizon, who sympathizes you, do not miss your chance. In order for the guy to take the first step, give him a signal. Such can be a light relaxed smile or an insightful look. If you are interested in this person, he will certainly suit you after such hints. But do not try to devour a man with your eyes or a frivolous smile at all 32 teeth. These methods are initially doomed to failure.

Try at the first conversation less talk about yourself, because the girl is interesting until the mystery remains. Use imperceptible psychological techniques: Talk the phrases of the interlocutor, repeat the nonsense some of his gestures, praise more, but do not overdo it. Any man loves when surrounding notice his hairstyle, style, mind, humor, and so on, but no one has a rough flattery. Avoid mateful words, loud unnatural laughter, vulgar humor and stories about their former.

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In the future development of relations, the end of the first conversation plays a considerable role. Do not assign a meeting yourself and do not ask the phone number. If your appearance is well-groomed and natural, and the manners are appropriate, the young man will certainly show the initiative himself. If he simply spreads and leaves, without leaving any coordinates, it means that you made one of the errors and the next time you will be more vigilant. But as practice shows - observance of all rules is hardly guaranteed success in this difficult business.

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The main thing to remember, the less you focus on the search for the Uhager, the sooner a fateful acquaintance will occur. After all, the meeting can happen at the moment when you expect it least.

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