How to sew a guy

How to sew a guy

It is not always easy to get rid of the annoying boyfriend. There is a type of guys who are failures to stimulate new feats, and they did not calm down until I take Man into submission. Less common type of the good guys, that just is not your style, and then I want to gently explain that you are not a couple. How to get rid of the remora and leave a good guy, while he was not offended?

If speech gone a compulsive type, which is absolutely not interested in you, then you should act decisively. Often these personalities are very pushy, and every smile regard as coquetry, and another failure - a challenge. They are like hunters who caught the game, satisfied. With these types can not get involved in the conversation. Be cool, no hello, no smile. Talk dry, without any emotion. Ignore all sorts of provocations, they are just waiting for you to response. Despite the lack of continuation of the game, he yet while you bother, but if no response, he gets bored and he will lose interest in you.

If you have had a long relationship, but at some point, he showed note true face and severely hurt you or even engaged in physical abuse, do not hesitate. Raise your head proudly, Hear no soap and performances teary pleas for forgiveness. Not truthfully explain your guy what he insignificance and weak creature, just dare to raise a hand against a woman. In such a situation it is not necessary to potter about, waiting for a better time for the explanation, much less justify the culprit. Know if this happened once, means, necessarily recur, despite assurances to the contrary. Break this connection, will be more whole.

If you are faced with a situation where we started Meet with a decent good guy, but your essence requires extreme or passion, daring and taming of the stroke, then it should be honest. If you do a hurt a good person, it will definitely affect his subsequent life and relationships with women. Decorate his gifts and courtship, sit down and tell us the truth and not only. Previously, find out what he does not tolerate in girls, and embody all the negative, in his opinion, quality. And then tell me that you are, and he does not have to cripple his life, because in relationship you are cruel and demanding, and your husband will be unhappy. Call him the desire to stop your connection.

If You meet with a guy, but he ordered you fed to the eternal control, excessively bias and you are tired of taking his presence, tell him that you parting. Do not respond to his sms, do not go to meetings, do not agree to reconciliation or the second chance. If you are in response to his messages let's start To write so that he does not bother you, it will appear trick and will not give the result. Do not play, bring his number in black List of contacts or simply change the number, remove from friends to social. networks, block it access to your page, limit the circle of common acquaintances.

If you're tired from OTwe do not know what you want, but not ready to irrevocably break the relationship, you can try to silence the guy's head. At the same time in themselves thread. Reject phone calls, complain about the shortage of time, come up with myself a disease and sit at home. If a unpleasant stranger is rolled up to you, and you absolutely do not have the desire to start the conversation, then catch fool. Loud laugh, tell me how you are lonely. We tell about how in the last new year we rose to the roof of the house and wanted to end our life, come up with stupid nonsense - let him regret that approached To you, at the same time and hang.

Sewing the guy beautifully, however, take care of the feelings of decent men. Remember, they are not to blame that you have flies in my head. Sugar duplicate stop quickly and without regret.

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