How to return the former wife

How to return the former wife

Woman does not go easy. Such an act, she lifts for a long time, weighs all the pros and cons, worries, it is afraid of change ... However, when the decision to go ripe, not just to convince his wife at all. Fortunately, it is possible to return a loved one, you just need to choose the right behavior strategy.

Disassemble the situation on trifles. What was the main reason for the disclaim? What is your one of you and why did you do that? It is most important to realize our own wrongness, which would be neither manifested. Admit yourself in all the errors and look at them through the eyes of your halves. Only so you can understand her feelings and resentment.

Do not follow the classic script "Drink to forget everything." As you know, such actions will get rid of pain only for a while, but later bring destructive consequences. And if your favorite sees you in such a state, then once again make sure of right.

Be a sharp desire to constantly call her. You can't tell anything new now. Blackmailing, threatening, blaming, whining, to miss for forgiveness - it means to tire the person by obsession and even more configure himself against himself.

You need to change. Disappear from its vision field at least for a month. During this time, you can re-educate yourself a little, get useful habits, a new circle of communication. Go to the gym, meet with interesting people, actively spend the weekend. So you fill yourself with a new, quality content, which will help you again interest the woman. And do not forget to struggle with the disadvantages that are not fully satisfied with your halm.

If you conscientiously worked on yourself, it's time to appear before your beloved one. Manifest yourself well and demonstrate that for the sake of her you are really ready on a lot. Let her understand how you see a joint future and how to specifically go to life goals. When the first contact is adjusted, remind your wife bright and happy moments from the past. Let her make sure you are her man, with the best and most worthy.


Clean. Conquer the location of the lady as if for the first time, do not spare for strength and time. Surround your favorite care, attention, give flowers, offer exciting joint entertainment, say a lot about everything. Show that you have changed in the root, and not for a couple of weeks.

For a larger effect, connect connections. If you are in good relationships with a mother-in-law and test, ask them to affect the course of my wife's thoughts. Contact your girlfriend for help, but only to the one that is in a happy marriage and does not experience a negative relative to the opposite sex. Be a good father so that children want to live with both parents. Any mom listens to such a request of the children.

Learn the psychology of relationships. This science is capable of answering a lot of your questions and help build a path to victory. It is important not just to read the books, but to delve into the material so that all the tips can be implemented in live communication with your beloved.

Remember that the revived relationship will not be such as once. You build them anew, so you should not wait for identical feelings and emotions. If the basis of the new start to lay patience, honesty, work, such a road will definitely lead to happiness.

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